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Professor Christine Daigle - Visiting Professor at Warwick

Professor Christine Daigle of Brock University (Canada) will be a visitor to the Department later this month where she will give a talk to the Post-Kantian Philosophy Research Seminar on de Beauvoir and feminist phenomenology (February 5th) and a seminar presentation on Nietzsche to MA students (to be announced).

Christine Daigle is Professor of Philosophy and Chancellor's Chair for Research Excellence at Brock University (Canada). She is the author of Le Nihilisme est-il un humanisme? Étude sur Nietzsche et Sartre (PUL, 2005), and Jean-Paul Sartre (Routledge, Critical Thinkers Series, 2009). She has edited Existentialist Thinkers and Ethics (McGill/Queen's University Press, 2006) and co-edited with Jacob Golomb Beauvoir and Sartre. The Riddle of Influence (Indiana University Press, 2009) and co-edited with Élodie Boublil Nietzsche and Phenomenology. Power, Life, Subjectivity (Indiana University Press, forthcoming in the spring 2013). She is currently working on two major research projects. The first is a monograph tentatively titled Nietzsche as phenomenologist. The second, rooted in her work on Simone de Beauvoir, is a series of articles on feminist phenomenology and the ethical and political implications of approaching human inter-relations from that perspective.

Tue 15 Jan 2013, 12:41 | Tags: Home Page External Postgraduate Research Staff Undergraduate

New Appointment in Political Philosophy

We are pleased to announce that Massimo Renzo will be joining the Department on 1 September 2012. He is currently a lecturer at York University and works primarily in political philosophy and legal theory.

Thu 10 May 2012, 10:33 | Tags: Home Page External Staff Undergraduate

New Head of Department in Philosophy

We are pleased to announce that Matthew Nudds will be joining the department on 1 September 2012 as Professor of Philosophy and Head of Department. He is currently Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of Department at Edinburgh. He did his PhD at UCL and he works on philosophy of mind and perception. He has a special interest in auditory perception. He has published extensively on this topic and his arrival will cement Warwick's reputation as one of the best departments in the UK for the philosophy of mind.

Wed 09 May 2012, 14:12 | Tags: Home Page External Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate


The Department would like to offer its congratulations to the following current or previous students:

Frank Chouraqui (graduated summer 2010) on his appointment as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Koc University, Istanbul and to

Joseph Kuzma (graduated winter 2012) on his appointment as lecturer in Philosophy at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Frank wrote his PhD thesis on Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on truth and Joseph wrote his PhD thesis on the exigency of return in Nietzsche and Blanchot.

Joe Barker (third year Philosophy undergraduate) who has been awarded, and has accepted, a 5 year postgraduate studentship at Penn State University from this autumn.

Wed 11 Apr 2012, 17:03 | Tags: Home Page External Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

Nietzsche at Warwick : The Philosophy of the Free Spirit

PeopleIn March 2012 and March 2013, and with the support of the British Academy, the Philosophy Department will host both a one-day workshop and a one-day conference on the topic of Nietzsche's philosophy of the free spirit.

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