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New insights into disabled young people who 'succeed but don't proceed' at school

Mon 14 May 2018, 15:51 | Tags: Publications Research

Hila Zaban: "Diaspora Jews shouldn't be Israel's top priority"

This week Dr Hila Zaban published an article in Haaretz (an Israeli newspaper which is equivalent to The Guardian) following her current research on British Jews.

The article was published in Hebrew first and also in the English edition available below. 

Hila has also been invited to discuss the topic on an Israeli TV show two weeks from now.

Mon 04 Dec 2017, 14:09 | Tags: Publications Research

Jim Beckford awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association for the Sociology of Religion

Our colleague Jim Beckford has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association for the Sociology of Religion. Jim received the Award during a ceremony at its annual meeting in Montréal in August.

Congratulations to Jim. It is good to see his work recognised in such a way

Tue 05 Sept 2017, 08:25 | Tags: Homepage Publications Research Staff social sciences

Dr Ana Chamberlen awarded article prize - BSC Annual Conference

Dr Ana Chamberlen has been awarded the article prize for the Women, Crime and Criminal Justice section of the British Society of Criminology. She will receive the award in person in Sheffield next week at the BSC Annual Conference

The prize winning article is: Chamberlen, A. (2016) ‘Embodying Prison Pain: Women's' self-injury practices in prison and the emotions of punishment’, Theoretical Criminology 20(2), pp 205-219.

Dr Lucy Mayblin awarded SAGE Prize for Innovation and Excellence for her article: ‘Other’ Posts in ‘Other’ Places: Poland through a Postcolonial Lens?

The SAGE Prize for Innovation and Excellence is awarded annually to one paper in each of the BSA’s four prestigious journals:  Cultural Sociology  Sociological Research Online  Sociology  Work, Employment and Society

Dr Lucy Mayblin's winning article

‘Other’ Posts in ‘Other’ Places: Poland through a Postcolonial Lens? (co-authored with Aneta Piekut and Gill Valentine) available

was announced at the BSA conference in Manchester in April.

The SAGE award panel commented: While all of the shortlisted articles exhibited significant levels ...

CoventryCAN...GO GREEN - March 6-12 2017

CoventryCAN is a Climate Action Network of individuals, groups, organisations, schools, universities, businesses, councillors and students who want to actively do something about climate change through linking together. No matter how 'small' or 'big' the actions taken. JOIN US!

Two Warwick Sociology academics nominated for Sage Prize

We are all proud that two of our academics have been nominated (out of 7) for the Sage Prize 2017 British Sociological Association:

Gurminder Bhambra, Postcolonial Reflections on Sociology

Lucy Mayblin, Aneta Piekut, and Gill Valentine, ‘Other’ Posts in ‘Other’ Places: Poland through a Postcolonial Lens?

We wish them good luck in the results announced later this year

Dr Ana Chamberlen in The Conversation

Dr Ana Chamberlen article 'The real prison crisis is the damage the system does to its prisoners' has been published on The Conversation.

Watch the video of the launch of "Genes and the Bioimaginary" by Prof. Deborah L. Steinberg

On June 14th 2016, CSWG organised a launch event for the book Genes and the Bioimaginary: Science, Spectacle, Culture, written by our very own Prof. Deborah L. Steinberg. The event featured talks by Deborah, and also by Prof. Elizabeth Ettorre and Prof. Stuart Murray.

A video of the full event is now available here.

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