Sociofest Event
Last week the Department of Sociology welcomed around 40 Year 12/13 pupils from local schools to spend a day at the department and gain a taste of university life.
The event was organised by the department's Widening Particpation and Outreach leads, Dr Teodora Todorova and Dr Andre Celtel, along with much-appriciated support from our excellent team of student ambassadors.
Warwick Sociology ranked number 4 in the Guardian University Guide 2019
The Department of Sociology is proud to announce that we have risen to number 4 nationally in the Guardian University Guide 2019.
Congratulations to colleagues recognised at the University Staff Awards!
A number of colleagues in the Department have been recognised in the University-wide Staff Awards 2018, which were announced at a ceremony on Friday.
Maria do Mar Pereira won the Award for Inspirational Leadership.
- Hannah Jones was highly commended in the Public Engagement Award.
Margaret Archer was highly commended in the Community Contribution Award.
Felicity Boardman, who completed her PhD with us in 2010 and has since worked in the Medical School, was highly commended for the Research Contribution Award.
Other colleagues in the department - Anastasia, Vallu and Alice - were longlisted for these awards; for the full longlist, see and
Congratulations to all!
For more on the Award winners and commendees, and the reasons why they were recognised, see
New insights into disabled young people who 'succeed but don't proceed' at school
Stella Chatzitheochari's research on barriers to higher education for young people with disabilities in England has been featured in the Guardian newspaper today.
- Read Frances Ryan's Guardian article, 'A few more Oxbridge places for disadvantaged children is just tinkering'
- Hear about the research in more detail in the University's press release, '
New insights into disabled young people who 'succeed but don't proceed' at school'
- Read the article by Stella Chatzitheochari and Lucinda Platt in the British Journal of Sociology, 'Disability differentials in educational attainment in England: primary and secondary effects'
Warwick at Tate Exchange 12-17 June: The Production of Truth, Justice and History
Colleagues from Sociology will be part of the upcoming programme of activities at the Tate Modern.
The University has worked with the Tate to create the Warwick Tate Exchange, which will explore the theme of The Production of Truth, Justice and History. The initiative is a collaboration between departments across the Social Sciences and the Arts and Humanities.
Hannah, Akwugo, Ana, and Goldie will be organising activities to explore through participative art practice their research into aspects of the Warwick Tate Exchange theme.
Ideas Funding awarded to colleagues from Sociology
Two colleagues from the department have been awarded funding from Warwick Ventures to apply their research and innovation to benefit wider society.
- Application of multifactorial survey experiments in development research: Dr Ulf Liebe, Sociology and Q-step
- International legal strategy to address human right’s violations in Indian – administered Kashmir: Dr Goldie Osuri, Sociology
Congratulations to Ulf and Goldie!
A bumper crop of good news!
Welcome the new Head of Department
We welcome Virinder Kalra as the new HoD, and thank the outgoing HoD John Solomos for all his hard work and support.
BSA/BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Prize for Ethnography
We are delighted to announce that Maria do Mar Pereira's most recent book Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: an Ethnography of Academia was shortlisted for the BSA / BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Prize for Ethnography.
Tune into to Radio 4 to hear a discussion of her book a special edition of Thinking Allowed (aired Wednesday 11 April 2018) at 16.00.
BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize
Lucy Mayblin has been announced as the winner of the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2018 for her book, Asylum After Empire: Colonial legacies in the Politics of Asylum Seeking
The BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize is for the best first and sole-authored book within the discipline of Sociology.
BSA Distinguished Service Award
John Solomos has been given this year’s Distinguished Service to British Sociology Award, an award made each year by the British Sociological Association to an outstanding individual who has contributed greatly to the discipline.
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
Emeritus Professor Elizabeth Dowler has been elected a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, nominated by the Social Policy Association.
Funding award: Immigration Otherwise: Co-Production and Participative Engagement
The department is delighted to announce that Dr Hannah Jones has been awarded an ESRC IAA grant for a collaborative project entitled 'Immigration Otherwise: Co-Production and Participative Engagement'. The project is a collaboration with Dr Yasmin Gunaratnam at Goldsmiths, University of London and theatre company ActREAL. They will be working with schools in Oxford and Coventry to explore the implications of immigration control on young peoples’ lives.
The image is the cover of a collaboratively-authored book by Hannah, Yasmin and six others, on which the theatre work will be based.
Keep an eye on our Research Impact page for more information.
‘Chaos and Crisis: Can Prison Be Better Than This?’
A workshop titled ‘Chaos and Crisis: Can Prison Be Better Than This?’ took place on Wednesday 17th of January 2018 at the University of Warwick. This event was co-organised by the Howard League for Penal Reform, Safe Ground, and the Department of Sociology and the Criminal Justice Centre at Warwick. It was supported by an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account fund that seeks to raise public engagement on current issues inside English and Welsh prisons. The workshop was designed to be an interactive, day-long encounter that brought together a range of prison practitioners and employees, former prisoners, criminal justice charities and NGOs, media, researchers, campaigners and others interested in issues of criminal justice. An impressive range of panelists, all having substantial experience and knowledge of prisons attended.