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Public Talk by Ayse Guveli on Turkish Migration to Europe

In Germany, so-called hashtag#Gastarbeiter migrants were recruited to the labour market from the 1950s. How do their experiences affect their grandchildren hashtag#ThirdGeneration today? Online talk with Prof. Ayse Guveli of University of Warwick.

Thu 28 Nov 2024, 11:53 | Tags: good news

Sociology receives an Athena Swan Silver Award

The Department of Sociology received a Silver Athena SWAN Award from Advance HE in recognition of its intersectional efforts to advance gender equality. The submission for this award can be viewed here.

Sociology receives an "Excellence in Gender Equality Award"

The Department of Sociology Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team (SAT), led by Professor Nickie Charles and Dr Maria do Mar Pereira, has received the inaugural "Excellence in Gender Equality Award", given by the University to recognise individuals and teams doing outstanding work to promote gender equality at Warwick. More information on the award can be found here.

Feminist and Women's Studies Association Book Prize 2018 awarded to Dr Maria do Mar Pereira

We’re delighted to announce that Dr Maria do Mar Pereira has been awarded the Feminist and Women’s Studies Association Book Prize 2018 for her latest book Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: an Ethnography of Academia.

To find out more about the prize, and the judges’ comments on the book, click here:

Tue 11 Dec 2018, 14:46 | Tags: good news Staff Women and Gender

Congratulations to colleagues recognised at the University Staff Awards!

A number of colleagues in the Department have been recognised in the University-wide Staff Awards 2018, which were announced at a ceremony on Friday.

  • Maria do Mar Pereira won the Award for Inspirational Leadership.

  • Hannah Jones was highly commended in the Public Engagement Award.
  • Margaret Archer was highly commended in the Community Contribution Award.

  • Felicity Boardman, who completed her PhD with us in 2010 and has since worked in the Medical School, was highly commended for the Research Contribution Award.

Other colleagues in the department - Anastasia, Vallu and Alice - were longlisted for these awards; for the full longlist, see and

Congratulations to all!

For more on the Award winners and commendees, and the reasons why they were recognised, see

Mon 21 May 2018, 12:20 | Tags: good news

A bumper crop of good news!

Welcome the new Head of Department

We welcome Virinder Kalra as the new HoD, and thank the outgoing HoD John Solomos for all his hard work and support.

BSA/BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Prize for Ethnography

We are delighted to announce that Maria do Mar Pereira's most recent book Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: an Ethnography of Academia was shortlisted for the BSA / BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Prize for Ethnography.

Tune into to Radio 4 to hear a discussion of her book a special edition of Thinking Allowed (aired Wednesday 11 April 2018) at 16.00.

BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize

Lucy Mayblin has been announced as the winner of the BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2018 for her book, Asylum After Empire: Colonial legacies in the Politics of Asylum Seeking 

The BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize is for the best first and sole-authored book within the discipline of Sociology.

BSA Distinguished Service Award

John Solomos has been given this year’s Distinguished Service to British Sociology Award, an award made each year by the British Sociological Association to an outstanding individual who has contributed greatly to the discipline.

Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences

Emeritus Professor Elizabeth Dowler has been elected a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, nominated by the Social Policy Association.

Fri 13 Apr 2018, 12:19 | Tags: Research Staff good news