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Media, Audiences and Social Change

This module presents theories of mass media production and reception alongside empirical approaches to understanding the relationship between media and society. The module reveals the motivations, norms and practices defining media industries, their audiences and the forms of influence that develops from the interaction between these two forces. It also considers the role of media, including social media, in processes of social change.

Media audiences play a pivotal, if rapidly changing, role in the emerging new media context. This role will be explored within the context of contemporary theory, research and examples of media influence.

Media, Audiences and Social Change provides insights into the benefits of employing interdisciplinary approaches and methods, through drawing upon, (in addition to sociology), the fields of media, cultural and communication studies, anthropology and psychology. Research and analytical skills will be developed through critical engagement, with academic resources drawn from these fields and also through critically analysing a range of examples of media theory and research.

Module Director:

Eric Jensen