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Past Events

Events 2023/2024

March 31 (in person - 2-4pm FAB2.43)

The STC and the Centre for Critical Legal Studies are pleased to host Grace Lavery for a reading of her new memoir Please Miss: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering PenisLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window, followed by discussion with Cath Lambert.

May 11 (in person; 11 - 1 pm)

 Colonialism and Modern Social Theory: A Social Theory Centre Book Symposium

 Please register hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. Venue details can be found the eventbrite page.

May 18 (online; 14.00-15.15)

The Social Theory Centre Annual Lecture 2022   Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Rehearsals for Living: My First Letter

We are very excited to announce that our annual lecture this year will be Leanne Betasamosake Simpson who is a renowned Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg scholar, writer and artist, who has been widely recognized as one of the most compelling Indigenous voices of her generation. Her work breaks open the intersections between politics, story and song—bringing audiences into a rich and layered world of sound, light, and sovereign creativity. Registration details to follow.


May 25 (online)

Book Launch: Reclaiming Humanity in Palestinian Hunger Strikes with Dr. Ashjan Ajour 

Please register hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. Details of the event can be found on the eventbrite page.


Events 2021/2022

Events 2020/2021

The Social Theory Centre's 2021 Annual Public event with Gargi Bhattacharya (University of East London) and Discussant (Sivamohan Valluvan, University of Warwick). June 16, 2021.

Events 2019/2020

Note: Please click on the link above to access video clips of the event.

Events 2018/19


Speakers included: Dr. John Narayan, Caryn Thandi Petersen, Piermarco Piu & Dr. Teodora Todorova

Events 2017/2018

 Critical Legal Conference 2017

  • With the Law School the Social Theory Centre co-hosted the Critical Legal Conference 2017 (September 1-3).

Events 2016/17

  • PhD/ECR Masterclass on Decolonizing Social Theory
    Monday 8th May, 2-4pm, R0.14
    Speakers: Andrew Zimmerman, Robbie Shilliam, Akwugo Emejulu (tbc)
    Chair: Claire Blencowe

  • Symposium: Polanyi, Markets, and Socialism in the Early 21st Century, Tuesday 9 May, 2-5pm, R0.14
    Speakers: Johanna Bockman, Matthew Watson, Gareth Dale
    Discussants: John Holmwood, Alice Mah
    Chair: Shirin Rai

  • PhD/ECR Masterclass on Community Research, Race, and Housing
    Thursday 11th May, 10-12pm, R014
    Speakers: Johanna Bockman, Nigel de Noronha, Giovanni Picker
    Chair: Hannah Jones

  • Symposium on Europe and Africa Wednesday 10 May, 2-5pm
  • Critical Legal Conference - Catastrophe September 1-3