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Claire Blencowe: Publications


Spirits of Extraction: Christianity, Settler Colonialism and the Geology of Race, Manchester University Press, 2025 series in Racism, Resistance and Social Change Series.

Biopolitical Experience: Foucault, Power & Positive Critique. Palgrave MacMillan. 2012.

Problems of Participation: Reflections on Democracy, Authority and the Struggle for Common Life. Noorani, Blencowe & Brigstocke eds ARN Press. 2013; republished on The Struggle for Common Life; Free PDF avalible .

Authority, Experience & the Life of Power. Blencowe, Brigstocke & Dawney eds. Routledge, 2014.

Problems of Hope. Dawney, Blencowe & Bresnihan eds. ARN Press, 2017. Free PDF avalible

Special Editions

Aurora" revista de arte, midia e politica - autoridade imanente e o problema do comum - 11(31) 2018. Blencowe, Dawney & Amaral eds.

The Journal of Political Power - Authority - 6(1). March, 2013. Blencowe, Brigstocke & Dawney eds.

Journal Articles

'Family Debilitation: Migrant Child Detention and the Aesthetic Regime of Neoliberal Authoritarianism' GeoHumanities 2021 7:2, 415-440 Open Access:

'Disenchanting secularism (or the cultivation of soul) as pedagogy in resistance to populist racism and colonial strucutres in the academy' British Education Research Journal 2021: 47(2) p389-408. Open Access:

'Engines of alternative objectivity: Re-articulating the nature and value of participatory mental health organisations with the Hearing Voices Movement and Stepping Out Theatre Company' Health 2018 22 (3). with Brigstocke, J. & Noorani, T.

'A questão da espiritualidade e o comum' Aurora: revista de arte, mídia e política, São Paulo, v.11, n.31, p. 128-153, fev.-mai.2018, Amaral, A. trans.

Blencowe, C. Dawney, L. & Amaral, A. 2018 ‘Autoridade imanente e o problema do comum’ Aurora: revista de arte, mídia e política, São Paulo, v.11, n.31, p. 5-11

'Ecological Attunement in a Theological Key: Adventures in Anti-Fascist Aesthetics' GeoHumanities 2(1): 24-41. 2016'

'Theorising participatory practice and alienation in health research: A materialist approach' Social Theory & Health 13: 397–417. with Brigstocke, J. & Noorani, T. 2015

‘Biopolitical Authority, Objectivity and the Groundwork of Modern Citizenship’ The Journal of Political Power 6 (1). 2013

‘Uma “visão de dentro” sobre biopolítica em Foucault e Arendt: uma crítica de Agamben’. Estudos de Sociologia, 16 (1): 59-86. 2011

‘Biology, Contingency and the Problem of Racism in Feminist Discourse’ Theory, Culture & Society, 28 (3): 3-27. 2011

‘Foucault’s & Arendt’s Insider View of Biopolitics: A Critique of Agamben’ History of the Human Sciences, 23 (5): 113-130. 2010

‘Destroying Duration: The critical situation of Bergsonism in Benjamin’s analysis of modern experience’ Theory, Culture & Society, 25(4):137-156. 2008

Book Chapters

'Adventures in Anti-Fascist Aesthetics' in Critical Theory & New Materialisms eds. Harmut Rosa, Christoph Henning & Arthur Bueno. Routledge, 2021.

'Foucault & Political Sociology' in SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology Volume 2, Outhwaite & Turner eds. SAGE. 2017.

'Seeking' in Blencowe, Bresnihen & Dawney eds. Problems of Hope, ARN Press. 2017

'We Are The Flood' - a photo essay - in Brigstocke & Noorani eds. Listening with Non-Human Others, ARN Press. 2016

'The Matter of Spirituality and the Common' in Kirwan, Dawney & Brigstocke eds Space Power & the Commons, Routledge, 2015

'Participatory Knowledge Matters for Democracy' in Noorani, Blencowe & Brigstocke Problems of Participation: Reflections on Authority, Democracy and the Struggle for Common Life ARN Press. 2013.

‘Performativity’ in Evans and Williams eds. Gender: Key Concepts, Routledge. 2012.

Essays & Reports

How to Redistribute Authority: Participatory Knowledge Matters for Democracy,, 2013

Authority, Knowledge & Performance in Participatory Practice: Connected Communities Discussion Paper, AHRC, April 2013.

Immanent Authority and the Making of Community: Connected Communities Discussion Paper, AHRC, October 2011.

‘Utopia in Dystopian Times’ Rational Daydreamer, 2006