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Edited Book Series

Routledge Studies in Employment and Work Relations in Context
Edited by Tony Elger and Peter Fairbrother
(for the full publishing history of the series see note at the end of the list)

Gregor Murray and Gilles Trudeau (eds) (forthcoming 2022) The Regulation of Work and Employment in Global Firms

Russell D. Lansbury (2020) Crossing Boundaries: Work and Industrial Relations in Perspective (ISBN 97803 67408022)

Michael Quinlan (2020) Contesting Inequality and Worker Mobilisation: Australia 1851-1880 (ISBN 97803 67861780)

Peter Sheldon, Sarah Gregson, Russell B. Landsbury and Karin Sanders (2020) The Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends (ISBN 97803 67211448)

Tricia Cleland Silva (2018) Transnational Management and Globalised Workers: Nurses Beyond Human Resources (97811 38614017)

Peter Fairbrother and Meagan Tyler (2018) Wildfire and Power: Policy and Practice (97811 383770203)

Michael Quinlan (2016) The Origins of Worker Mobilisation: Australia 1788-1850 (ISBN 978-1-138-08408-7)

Piotr Zientara (2014) Human Resource Management in Emerging Economies (ISBN 978-1-138-78713-1)

Judy Fudge and Kendra Strauss (eds) (2014) Temporary Work, Agencies, and Unfree Labour: Insecurity in the New World of Work (ISBN 978-1-138-20298-6)

Peter Fairbrother, Christian Levesque and Marc-Antonin Hennebert (eds) (2013) Transnational Trade Unionism: Building Union Power (ISBN 978-0-415-81880-3)

Breen Creighton and Anthony Forsyth (eds) (2012) Rediscovering Collective Bargaining: Australia's Fair Work Act in International Perspective (ISBN 978-0-415-52927-3)

Christoph Hermann and Jorg Flecker (eds) (2012) Privatization of Public Services: Impacts for Employment, Working Conditions and Service Quality in Europe (ISBN 978-1-138-95995-8)

Peter Fairbrother, John O'Brien, Anne Junor, Michael O'Donnell and Glynne Williams (2012) Unions and Globalization: Government, Management and the State at Work (ISBN 978-1-138-96063-3)

Adelle Blackett and Christian Levesque (eds) (2010) Social Regionalism in the Global Economy (ISBN 978-0-415-48052-9)

Bob Carter, Howard Stevenson and Rowena Passy (2010) Industrial Relations in Education: Transforming the School Workforce (ISBN 978-1-138-972674)

Gerhard Bosch and Jean Charest (eds) (2009) Vocational Training: International Perspectives (ISBN 978-1-138-95975-0)

James Ward (2008) Sexualities, Work and Organisations: Stories by Gay Men and Women in the Workplace (ISBN 0-415-39699-9 and 978-0-415-54216-6 for paperback edition published 2012)

Peter Fairbrother and Al Rainnie (eds) (2006) Globalisation, State and Labour (ISBN 0-415-37551-7)

Stephen Bach (2004) Employment Relations in the Health Service: The Management of Reforms (ISBN 978-0-415-36299-3)

Jamie Gough (2003) Work, Locality and the Rhythms of Capital (ISBN 0-8264-6284-7)

Peter Fairbrother and Charlotte Yates (eds) (2003) Trade Unions in Renewal: A Comparative Study (ISBN 0-8264-5436-4 and 0-8264-5437-2)

John P. Tuman (2003) Reshaping the North American Automobile Industry (ISBN 0-82664-5318-X)

Gregor Murray, Jaques Belanger, Anthony Giles and Paul-Andre Lapointe (eds) (2002) Work and Employment in the High Performance Workplace (ISBN 0-8264-4705-8 and 0-8264-4706-6)

Gerda van Roozendaal (2002) Trade Unions and Global Governance (ISBN 0-8264-5659-6 and 0-8264-5660-X) 

Peter Fairbrother and Gerard Griffin (eds) (2002) Changing Prospects For Trade Unionism: Comparisons between Six Countries (ISBN 0-8264-5612-X and 0-8264-5811-4)

Paul Smith (2001) Unionization and Union Leadership: The Road Haulage Industry (ISBN 0-8264-5214-0)

Gavin Poynter (2000) Restructuring the Service Industries: Management Reform and Workplace Relations in the UK Service Sector (ISBN 0-7201-2341-8)

Peter Fairbrother (2000) Trade Unions at the Crossroads (ISBN 0-7201-2202-3)

Christopher Warhurst (1999) Between Market, State and Kibbutz: The Management and Transformation of Socialist industry (ISBN 0-7201-2320-8)

Martin Upchurch (ed) (1999) The State and 'Globalization': Comparative Studies of Labour and Capital in National Economies (ISBN 0-7201-2367-4)

Jeremy Waddington (ed) (1999) Globalization and Patterns of Labour Resistance (ISBN 0-7201-2369-0)

Paul Edwards and Tony Elger (eds) (1999) The Global Economy, National States and the Regulation of Labour (ISBN 0-7201-2370-4)

Graham Taylor (1999) State Regulation and the Politics of Public Service: the Case of the Water Industry (ISBN 0-7201-2312-7)

Micheal Neary (ed) (1999) Global Humanization: Studies in the Manufacture of Labour (ISBN 0-7201-2340-1)

Anne Munro (1999) Women, Work and Trade Unions (ISBN 0-7201-2328-3)

Ann Day and Kenneth Lunn (eds) (1999) The History of Work and Labour Relations in the Royal Dockyards (ISBN 0-7201-2349-6)

Andy Danford (1999) Japanese Management Techniques and British Workers (ISBN 0-7201-2368-2)

Christine Cregan (1999) Young People in the Workplace: Job, Union and Mobility Patterns (ISBN 0-7201-2327-2)

* Peter Waterman (1998) Globalization, Social Movements and the New Internationalisms (ISBN 0-7201-2351-8 and 0-8264-5220-5, the paperback edition with new preface published by Continuum 2001)

Ian Procter and Maureen Padfield (1998) Young Adult Women, Work and Family: Living a Contradition (ISBN 0-7201-2336-4)

Charles Woolfson, John Foster and Matthias Beck (1997) Paying for the Piper: Capital and Labour in Britain's Offshore Oil Industry (ISBN 0-7201-2348-7 and 0-7201-2350-X)

Godfrey Baldacchino (1997) Global Tourism and Informal Labour Relations: The Small Scale Syndrome at Work (ISBN 0-7201-2248-1)

Theo Nichols (1997) The Sociology of Industrial Injury (ISBN 0-7201-2255-4)

Erol Kahveci, Nadir Sugar and Theo Nichols (eds) (1996) Work and Occupation in Modern Turkey (ISBN 0-7201-2319-4)

* Peter Cook (1996) The Industrial Craftsworker: Skill, Managerial Strategies and Workplace Relationships (ISBN 0-7201-1226-40)

* Jane Hardy and Al Rainnie (1996) Restructuring Krakow: Desperately Seeking Capitalism (ISBN 0-7201-2231-7)

* Phil Mizen (1995) The State Young People and Youth Training: In and Against the Training State (ISBN 0-7201-2169-8 and 0-7201-2247-3)

* Ralph Darlington (1994) The Dynamics of Workplace Trade Unionism: Shop Steward Organization in Three Merseyside Plants (ISBN 0-7201-2168-X and 0-7201-2239-2)

* Julia O'Connell Davidson (1993) Privatisation and Employment Relations: The Case of the Water Industry (ISBN 0-7201-2150-7 and 0-7201-2214-7)

* Teresa Hayter and David Harvey (eds) (1993) The Factory and the City: the Story of the Cowley Automobile Workers in Oxford (ISBN 0-7201-2139-6)

A Note on the Publication History of the Series:

The series was initially published by Mansell (an imprint of Cassell) from 1993-2000. It was then published by Continuum from 2001-2004, before being adopted by Routledge (an imprint of Taylor and Francis) in 2005 where it continues. * The asterisked books have not been reprinted by Routledge.

Further publication details can be found at: