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Khursheed Wadia


I am a Professor of Sociology and have worked at the University of Warwick since 2004. I am also co-director of the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender and Course director of the MA in Gender and International Development.


My research lies at the intersection of gender, ethnicity/race and politics in Europe with a focus on Britain and France. More specifically it covers the field of political participation and policy.

I am co-author (with Prof. Gill Allwood, Nottingham Trent University) of:

I am also co-author (with Prof. Danièle Joly, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris) of:

I am co-editor (with Dr. Gabriella Lazaridis) of:

Current and past projects

  • Principal Investigator on a project commissioned by Muslim Women's Network UK and funded by Comic Relief and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Increasing the Representation of women from racially minoritised communities in UK local politics, June 2022 to May 2024.
  • Principal Investigator (Co-I: Prof. Gill Allwood, Nottingham Trent University) on British Academy funded project Forced Marriage Policy in France: a Study of Inclusivity and Gender Transformation, September 2017 to November 2019.
  • Principal Investigator on a project funded by the Warwick Impact Fund and the ESRC’s Impact Acceleration Account Doing Politics, Changing Society: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women's Activism, April 2018 to July 2019. To read the project evaluation report click HERE
  • ‘Gender and Minority Rights’ Cluster Lead on MYPLACE - Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement, April 2011 to November 2015, funded under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) on how young people's social and political participation is shaped by the past and inter-generational relationships in Europe. MYPLACE was coordinated by Prof. Hilary Pilkington (University of Manchester) and brought together researchers from 14 European HEIs.
  • Principal Investigator on the ESRC-funded seminar series titled Whose Security? Migration-(In)Security Dilemmas 10 Years after 9/11, April 2011 to March 2013.
  • Co-Investigator on a 4-year study funded by the ESRC on Women from Muslim Communities and Politics in Britain and France, June 2007 to May 2011.

Selected publications and reports

  • Allwood, A. and Wadia, K. (2020) 'Forced marriage and gender transformation: feminist state and civil society networks at the local level', French Politics, 18: 132–152,
  • Charles, N., Wadia, K., Ferrer Fons, M. and Allaste, A-A. (2018) '"I'm a feminist, I'm not ashamed and I'm proud": Young people's activism and feminist identities in Estonia, Spain and the UK', Women's Studies International Forum, 67: 23-29,
  • Charles, N. and Wadia, K. (2017) 'New British Feminisms, UK Feminista and Young People's Activism', Feminist Theory, first published August 23,
  • Joly, D. and Wadia, K. (2017) Muslim Women and Power: Political and Civic Engagement in West European Societies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Winner of the Political Studies Association UK WJM Mackenzie Prize for 'The Best Book in Political Science' 2018
  • Lazaridis, G. and Wadia, K. (eds) (2015) The Securitisation of Migration in the EU: Debates since 9/11, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wadia, K. (2015) Interpreting Activism: Gender and Minority Rights (deliverable 7.2), MYPLACE (FP7) Project.
  • Wadia, K. (2015) 'Women from Muslim Communities in Britain: Political and Civic Activism in the 9/11 Era’, in T. Peace (ed.) Muslims and Political Participation in Britain, London: Routledge.
  • Charles, N. and Wadia, K. (2014) UK Feminista: Young Women's Feminist Activism (deliverable 7.1), MYPLACE (FP7) Project.
  • Charles, N., Pilkington, H., Popov, A. and Wadia, K. (2013) Interpreting Participation: UK Report (deliverable 5.3), MYPLACE (FP7) Project.

Teaching 2024 – 2025

Term 1: SO923 Gender, Imperialism and International Development

Term 2: SO9E5 Feminist Theories and Epistemologies: Debates and Dilemmas

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising research in the broad area of gender and ‘race’/ethnicity studies and more specifically political and civic engagement, equalities, public policies and social transformation. I am currently supervising the following PhD students:

  • Bruna Do Rego Troccoli (with Prof. Ravi Thiara, Sociology Warwick), PhD full-time, ESRC-funded
  • Iria Dominguez (with Prof. Nickie Charles, Sociology Warwick), PhD part-time
  • S. Mary Arokia (with Prof. Emily Henderson, Education Studies Warwick), PhD full-time, ESRC-funded
  • Maira Tehseen (with Prof. Line Nyhagen, University of Loughborough), PhD full-time, ESRC-funded
  • Mayurakshi Dutta (with Prof. Ravi Thiara) PhD full-time, ESRC-funded




Professor of Sociology

Office: D0.14, Social Sciences Building


Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 23970

Advice and feedback hours: Tuesday after 3:00pm by appointment