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Mentee News

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Mentee Exchange Event - Thursday 26th March

We are keen to support all 2018 / 19 mentees on the programme and would like you to join us (via wbsLive) to help you get the most out of your mentoring relationship. It’s an opportunity to share best practices, learn where to find helpful mentoring resources, as well as share helpful tips & hints.

Tue 17 Mar 2020, 14:03

Annual Survey Feedback

Our annual survey results captured back at the end of last year show that your Mentors are as happy as ever volunteering for the programme. Although, respondents were low, we are pleased to see that over 90% would recommend the programme ...

Tue 17 Mar 2020, 10:26

Resource Spotlight: Career Management Module - "Networking & Career Transitions"

These free Career Management Modules are exclusively available for the WBS Community (students & alumni … meaning mentees and mentors!)

Mon 02 Mar 2020, 17:02

Save the date! Mentee Exchange re-scheduled 26 March (12.00-13.00 GMT)

The mentoring programme is planning another Online Mentee Exchange on Thursday 26 March 12.00-13.00 GMT. Please register your interest and any additional topics you would like covered.

Tue 07 Jan 2020, 14:49

Annual Survey: Have your say!

As we enter the 10th year of the programme, we are keen to receive valuable feedback from our participants. There is still time to complete your WBS Mentoring Annual Survey.

Tue 07 Jan 2020, 08:25

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Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371