Ensure you know your IT Services username and password
Once the WBS staff email system is migrated (Feb-March 2012) you will need to use a username based on your central university (IT Services) usercode to access your email. Such usercodes typically are all letters and start 'bs***'.
- If you can recall your username test it now by visiting http://www.warwick.ac.uk . Click the 'Sign in' link in the top right corner (see screenshot below) and try your ITS usercode and associated password. If you are unable to log in please contact the central IT Services helpdesk (helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk or 024765 73737) to request a password reset.
- If you cannot recall your IT Services username or do not believe you have one visit the following site and sign in using your university number (from the front of your university card). If you have already registered you will be reminded of your username. If you haven't then you will be given the opportunity to register now. https://www.warwick.ac.uk/cgi-bin/secure/register.pl
If you are unable to register contact help at wbs dot ac dot uk .
Note: the actual usercode you will need to access your email will be of the form ITS usercode@live.warwick.ac.uk