IKON Research Unit

About IKON
IKON is a multidisciplinary research centre within in Warwick Business School. We apply theoretical perspectives from social and organization theory to empirical studies of the creation, translation and use of knowledge and innovation.
IKON has international reputation and advises on organization studies, innovation studies and information systems, particularly on the social and information processes and networking practices in innovation and how they are influenced by specific organizational and institutional contexts.

IKON's key research themes are:
- Knowledge exploitation, integration and interactive innovation processes
- Networking and innovation
- Knowledge and learning in organizations
- Knowledge Management and
communities of practice - Evidence generation and use
- Managing knowledge work
- Expertise development and transfer

The IKON Network
IKON is comprised of a distributed network of researchers working in the area of innovation, knowledge and organizational networks.
Our WBS academics include:
- Professor Davide Nicolini, Director
- Professor Jacky Swan, Co-Director
- Dr Katharina Dittrich
- Dr Ila Bharatan
- Professor Sue Newell
- Professor Joe Nandhakumar
Latest publications
- Nicolini, D., Korica, M. and Bharatan, I., 2023. How insights from the field of information behavior can enrich understanding of knowledge mobilizationLink opens in a new window. Journal of Health Organization and Management.
- Dittrich, Katharina 2022. Scale in research on grand challenges. In Gümüşay, Marti, Trittin-Ulbrich, Wickert (Eds.): Organizing for societal grand challenges.Link opens in a new window Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol.79, 187-203
- Nicolini, Davide, Igor Pyrko, Omid Omidvar, and Agnessa Spanellis. "Understanding communities of practice: Taking stock and moving forwardLink opens in a new window." Academy of Management Annals 16, no. 2 (2022): 680-718.
- Nicolini, Davide, Korica, Maja, 2021. Attentional engagement as practice : a study of the attentional infrastructure of healthcare CEOs. Organization Science
- Bharatan, Ila S., Swan, Jacky, Oborn, Eivor, 2021. Navigating turbulent waters : crafting learning trajectories in a changing work context. Human Relations,75, 6, 1084-1112

Summer School 2025
The advancement of practice-based studies in organization, administrative and social studies.
How should we think about organisational change as if change mattered? A process and practice perspective,
University of Warwick, 08 - 10 July 2025.