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Summer School on the Economics of Well Being

26 - 29 June 2018, University of Warwick


One thing that unites different kinds of social scientists is a concern to understand the forces that affect people’s well-being. What makes individuals happy? Can money buy happiness? Is our society moving in the right direction? What makes a happy workplace? How can policy makers make the whole country happier? These are difficult questions, but they seem important to us as an individual. The Summer School is targeted at undergraduate and postgraduate students from the fields of economics, psychology, health, and social policy, as well as the general audience from the public and the private sectors who are interested in learning new theories and evidence in the economics and science of well-being. The School will take place at University of Warwick, United Kingdom. It will feature series of lectures by distinguished economists and behavioural scientists who have made significant contributions to the fields. The school will also be a platform for conversation among the lecturers and other participants with ample opportunities for discussions. For more information, please contact:

Organizers: Nick Powdthavee, Tigran Melkonyan, and Zvi Safra
Co-organizers: Linda Donovan

This will be the sixth annual Behavioural Science summer school held by Warwick Business School (WBS).

Keynote Speakers and Faculty

Carol Graham - Brookings Institute: Subjective Well-being
Alex Wood - London School of Economics:Well-being and personality traits
Matthew Adler - Duke University: Well-being and fair distribution
Eugenio Proto - University of Bristol: Happiness and genetics
Gordon Brown - University of Warwick: Well-being, income, and consumption.
Nick Powdthavee - University of Warwick: The behavioural science of well-being.
Paul Frijters - London School of Economics and Political Science: Well-being
Andrew Oswald - University of Warwick: Empirical study of human happiness
Anke Plagnol - University of London: Subjective Well-being
Ashley Whillans - Harvard Business School: Time, Money and Happiness

Information for Participants

Participants will pay a token participation fee of £200.00 to cover lunches, two dinners, refreshments and one half-day excursion to Stratford Upon Avon.

Participants are responsible for booking their own travel. Accommodation is available at Warwick Conferences Arden for an additional fee of £292.00 for 4 nights including breakfast (check in Monday 25th June 2018, check out Friday 29th June 2018). Please note accommodation is limited. Please book as soon as possible.

Applications are now closed


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