Tuesday 25th June 2019
John Broome: Self-interest against climate change
Matthew Adler:Link opens in a new window Utilitarianism, Prioritarianism, and Climate Policy
Nick Chater: The behavioural ethics, and practical implementation, of national climate change policy (Available on the climate change committee website)
Astrid Dannenberg: Link opens in a new windowThe Choice of Institutions to Solve Cooperation Problems
Wednesday 26th June 2019
Ann Bostrom:Link opens in a new window How to slow or stop climate change: Perceptions and policy preferences
Robert Chambers:Link opens in a new window Ambiguity and Climate Change
Francisco Escobedo:Link opens in a new window Socio-ecological” aspects of climate change with an emphasis on tropical forest and cities
Daniel Read: Climate change attitudes around the world
Thursday 27th June 2019
Stephen Lewandowski:Link opens in a new window Constraints on the Social Discount Rate
Peter Hammond:Link opens in a new window Discounting Future Generations’ Welfare
Participant presentations
WBIT PosterLink opens in a new window
Sustainability TourLink opens in a new window
Friday 28th June 2019
Robert Chambers: Link opens in a new windowClimate Change and US Agricultural Productivity
Ann Bostrom:Link opens in a new window Climate change risk perceptions and feelings: results from a construal experiment