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Further Information for Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Finance (Job ref: 34593-099)
Finance Group

Professors: Söhnke Bartram, Andrea Gamba, Roman Kozhan, Alok Kumar, Philippe Mueller, Cesare Robotti, David Skeie, John Thanassoulis

Associate Professors: Constantinos Antoniou, Dragana Cvijanovic, Jana Fidrmuc, Arie Gozluklu, Gi Kim, Kebin Ma, Sarah Qian Wang, Elizabeth Whalley

Assistant Professors: Giorgia Barboni, Irem Erten, Jesus Gorrin Leon, Olga Klein, Danmo Lin, Rory Mullen, Gyuri Venter, Ganesh Viswanath Natraj

Professorial Teaching Fellows: Peter Corvi, Alex Stremme

Professor of Practice: Duncan Shand

Andrea Gamba is the Head of Group, a responsibility held by senior members of the Group.


The Finance Group offers a well-resourced environment for research within which talented individuals can flourish. Presentation of research at international conferences is actively encouraged. The current research of the Group encompasses corporate finance, international finance, financial markets, and financial econometrics, at both theoretical and applied levels. Current and recent work on corporate finance includes dividend policy, corporate governance, real options, the equity premium puzzle, the econometrics of long-horizon event studies, and asset pricing. Recent work on international finance includes modelling and forecasting of exchange rate movements, analysis of currency and financial crises and international capital flows, asset management in international financial markets, and work on foreign exchange market microstructure. Recent work on financial markets includes the term-structure of interest rates, the valuation of term-structure contingent claims, fixed-income risk management, and the valuation and hedging of options in the presence of transaction costs. Recent work on financial econometrics includes estimation of stochastic volatility models using Bayesian and other estimation methods with appropriate hedging of assets.

The Group has access to a variety of databases which facilitate empirical work, both by staff and by students. Via the Wharton Research Database Service there is access to many of the US databases, such as COMPUSTAT and CRSP. We take the LBS Share Price database. General sets of information are available via Datastream and this is supplemented by subscriptions to Ecowin, Reuters and Bloomberg. Access to databases is therefore better than in most other business schools in Europe and compares favourably with facilities at US institutions.


The Group is responsible for teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Teaching loads are actively managed to keep them consistent with a high level of research activity. PhD students provide teaching assistance on many courses. There is also dedicated administrative support for each teaching programme.

The major undergraduate course for which the Group is responsible (jointly with the Accounting Group) is the BSc in Accounting and Finance. This very successful degree has been accredited by a number of UK Professional Accountancy bodies (ICAEW, ACCA and CIMA), and graduates are eligible for exemptions from a number of examinations set by these bodies. The degree also enjoys Level 1 accreditation from the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute. Around 1,850 top-quality applications are received for some 200 places currently available annually. The curriculum has recently been revised, in order to offer students distinct pathways to achieve their desired mix of subjects. Several components are shared with other degrees within the Business School and some options are also taken by undergraduates in Economics, MORSE (Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics and Economics), and those taking joint degrees with Science. Undergraduate commitments constitute about 40% of the Group’s teaching load.

The Group has a portfolio of 4 degrees in the finance suite. The first is the long-established (and highly successful) MSc in Finance and Economics, which is a joint course with the Economics Department. This course has around 60 students per year from a wide variety of countries, with about 10 well-qualified applicants for each place. The second is the MSc in Financial Mathematics, which began in 1998/9 and has an annual intake of some 30 students. This course aims to provide a thorough grounding in the mathematics underlying modern finance theory. Teaching is shared between the Group and the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics. The third course is the MSc in Finance, which has an intake of 120 students, with approximately 20 applicants per place. In September 2011 the MSc in Accounting & Finance was introduced and has an annual intake of around 60 students. In addition, the generalist programme, MSc in Business (Financial Management) was launched in October 2016. MSc commitments are about 40% of the Group’s teaching load.

The Group also teaches important segments on the MBA programme. Warwick has made a major expansion in MBA teaching in recent years and is committed to the ‘one MBA’ concept - in essence three different delivery modes for the same degree programme. MBA teaching is some 20% of the Finance Group’s teaching load and includes full time, modular and distance-learning modes.

There is an annual intake of around 10 PhD students who are supervised by staff in the Finance Group. Students for PhD in Finance take a full set of preparatory courses in their first year of study. Scholarships are available for well-qualified candidates. The aim is to ensure that the quality, both of the students and of the programme, is competitive with the best available at any other university, worldwide.

Salary Information

Grade FA8

Salary range £51,034 - £59,135 (In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to offer a supplement to the salary range stated for this role of up to £60,865 on an annual basis. Any such supplement would be awarded on the basis of a demonstrable history of exceptional achievement and is entirely at the discretion of the University).

The School

For further information about Warwick Business School, please see our website at

Warwick Business School is one of the largest and most respected business schools in the world; we’re firmly in the top 1%. Our Dean, Professor Andy Lockett, has high ambitions for us to be:

  • A world leader in business education, research and engagement, helping to create a better global society.
Our Mission:
  • To produce and world-class, cutting edge research that shapes the way organisations operate and businesses are led and managed
  • To produce world-class, socially responsible, creative leaders and managers who think on a global scale, regardless of the size of their organisation
  • To engage meaningfully with business and government to create a better society
  • To provide a lifelong return on investment for students and alumni
Producing World-Class Business Leaders

As the largest department of the University of Warwick we offer excellent facilities and a prestigious reputation. We are consistently top-rated for our teaching quality and were the first UK school to be endorsed by all 3 international business school accreditation schemes.

We attract students from all over the world, currently 64% from outside the UK, who trust us to teach them at undergraduate, masters, MBA, and PhD level, in both full-time and part-time education. We regularly consult and collaborate with industry to keep our programmes fresh, relevant, and accessible and have something to offer individuals at every stage of their career. We offer an extensive executive education programme and work with clients around the world to develop their in-house talent.

  • The performance of our degree programmes excels as our course portfolio continues to refresh, expand, and diversify. We currently offer 31 courses to more than 7,000 students.
  • Our undergraduate courses are top-ranked in the 2018 Guardian University Guide. We're number 3 for Accounting & Finance in both the 2019 editions of the Complete University Guide and the Times Good University Guide.
  • The school is third most targeted university nationally by the UK's top 100 graduate employers, according to High Fliers Research.
  • Our masters courses provide highly specialised learning in areas of business that are increasingly important in the search for sustainable competitive advantage.
  • More than 30 years of combined learning experience enable us to deliver the Warwick MBA to nearly 2,600 experienced managers each year, wherever they are in the world.
Publishing Leading-Edge Research

We have achieved a global reputation for research excellence, offering a broad subject base and highly regarded faculty. The most recent UK government Research Excellence Framework (December 2014) rated more than 80% of our research as ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, raking WBS as 5th in the UK for research output. Over half of our academics come from outside the UK and many have taught or worked overseas. They produce world leading research in most fields of management including:

  • accounting, markets and organisations
  • behavioural science
  • business strategy
  • consumer behaviour
  • corporate governance
  • customer service
  • enterprise
  • finance
  • industrial relations
  • innovation strategy
  • knowledge management
  • lean management
  • marketing
  • operational research
Providing a Return on Investment

Learning by sharing experience and insight is key to the student experience at WBS. Our 30,000 alumni have cited the combination of a highly intelligent and internationally diverse cohort as being a major benefit of their learning experience as well as their future careers.

The fact that many graduates return for further study here later in their career demonstrates our effective blend of academic research with the practicalities of the workplace. Our graduates are highly sought after by business and can be found in senior positions in global bluechips around the world. Many also set up their own business with the entrepreneurial business skills they have learned with us.

For our sponsoring organisations, both public and private, who support their employees through our programmes, the benefits are clear: more motivated and higher skilled staff leads to increased productivity and a stronger business.

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