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Lancaster-Manchester-Warwick Joint PhD Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology 13th May 24

Roman Kozhan, Moris Strub and Zhengge Zhou collaborated with Lancaster and Manchester to host a joint PhD workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology with great success. Topics ranged from Blockchain Technology, AI , Open Baking and Financial Econometrics.

Webinar: Balancing Blockchain Privacy and Regulatory Compliance

Ganesh hosted Amit Chaudhary for his webinar; Balancing Blockchain Privacy and Regulatory Compliance.

Privacy is one of the essential pillars for the widespread adoption of blockchains, but public blockchains are transparent by nature.

Interacting with a public blockchain means exposing personal information, financial asset holdings, and sensitive data to the public. We can utilise modern cryptographic techniques like zero-knowledge proofs to enable privacy, but the question is how to design privacy-enhancing Web3 technologies while discouraging bad actors from abusing those same technologies. We will discuss how we can balance blockchain privacy with the programmable disclosure of secrets and design regulatory-compliant applications on public blockchains.

Tue 14 May 2024, 12:27 | Tags: Blockchain Amit Chaudhary Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj

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