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GTA Teaching 2023-24

PhD students in the OW Group are expected to assist with the teaching on our undergraduate and some postgraduate modules.  You will benefit from developing skills that you will need in your future career, whether in academia or the commercial world; moreover, you will be paid for the hours spent preparing and delivering teaching.

Please complete this form to indicate your preferred teaching and note it may not be possible to match your selection and you may be offered an alternative. 

If you have previously taught a module and wish to continue doing so indicate this in the comments box.

If you are planning to undertake work for other University departments, other than WBS, please indicate this in the comments box.

Please make every attempt to make multiple module selections.

It is essential that you have also completed the GTA Application Form.  

NOTE: you must be present in the UK as teaching will be delivered in a blended format, both face-to-face and online.

If you have any questions please email 


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The data you provide in this form will be used solely to allocate the teaching support for 2023-24.

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