Lee Jarvis
email: lee.jarvis-jr@wbs.ac.uk
Room: 2.119
Profile (biography)
Lee Jarvis is an Associate Professor in the Organisation and Work Group at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. He has a PhD in business administration from the College of Business at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, US.
Lee’s research interests include institutional micro-foundations, emotions, individual identity construction, organizational stigma and social movement organizations, and his work has been published in academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations, and Organization Studies, among others. His studies have looked at a diverse array of empirical contexts, including animal rights advocacy, addiction treatment organisations, professional associations, and creative advertising in Iran, among several others.
Research interests
Institutional micro-foundations, emotions, individual identity construction, organizational stigma and social movement organizations
- Dong, L., Hudson, B. A., Moura, D. P., & Jarvis, L. C. (2023). Amplifying stigmatization: Owlcatraz and the naming of a football stadium. Organization Studies, 44(7): 1055-1080.
- Lortie, J., Cox, K. C., Roundy, P. T., & Jarvis, L. (2023). Institutional channeling and opportunity recognition: Heterogeneous knowledge corridors as pathways to social entrepreneurship. Social Enterprise Journal, 19(2): 213-235.
- Goodrick, E., Bagdasarian, J. L., & Jarvis, L. C. (2022). Not on skid row: Stigma reduction in addiction treatment organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 59(8): 2067-2100.
- Jarvis, L. C., Eden, R., Wright, A. L., & Burton-Jones, A. (2022). Integrating information systems and institutional insights: Moving the conversation forward with examples from digital health. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 83: 211-233.
- Ghaffari, M., Svystunova, L., & Jarvis, L. (2022). Cracking the box or stretching the walls? Exploiting institutional plasticity in Iranian creative advertising. Human Relations, 75(9): 1707-1740.
- Staggs, J., Wright, A.L., & Jarvis, L.C. (2022). Institutional change, entrepreneuring and place:Building a Smart State. Organization Studies, 43(2): 269 - 288.
- Goodrick, E., Jarvis, L.C., & Reay, T. (2020). Preserving a professional institution: Emotion in discursive institutional work. Journal of Management Studies, 57(4): 735-774.
- Jarvis, L.C., Goodrick, E., & Hudson, B.A. (2019). Where the heart functions best: Reactive-affective conflict and the disruptive work of animal rights organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 62(5): 1358-1387.
- Iyer, G.R., & Jarvis, L. (2019). CSR adoption in the multinational hospitality context: A review of representative research and avenues for future research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(6): 2376-2393.
Jarvis, L.C. (2017). Feigned versus felt: Feigning behaviors and the dynamics of institutional logics. Academy of Management Review, 42(2): 306-333.
Jarvis, L.C. (2016). Identification, intentions and entrepreneurial opportunities: An integrative process model. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(2): 182-198.
Jarvis, L.C. (2016). Shame and institutional stability - or - change in healthcare. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 36(3/4): 173-189.
Availability for Ph.D Supervision
Available (same as topics above)