Gifts in action across the world
Your gifts in action across the globe!
Warwick in Africa
£215,000 to Warwick in Africa, the volunteering project which is revolutionising education in Africa (see p.21)
£5,000 to the International Gateway for Gifted Youth, helping the top 5% of young scholars to network with each other and academia.
Venice Fund
£1,400 towards the Venice Fund, helping students to visit and study at Warwick's base in Venice, the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava.
Hong Kong
Donations from alumni in Hong Kong have helped various causes at Warwick including scholarship schemes for students from the region.
Donor support has helped with the Death Penalty Programme, a two-month unpaid internship for law students to gain insight and hands-on experience of a particular and complex area of legal work. Texas has the highest execution rate of any state, and the students are an invaluable help to busy lawyers in real-life cases.
South America
Medical electives at Warwick help in under-developed communities around the world, and help Warwick medical students to develop their skills too (see p.21)
Donations help to fund the Warwick Laksh Project - a volunteer teaching placement at the Laksh Foundation near Delhi, India. It’s similar to ‘Warwick in Africa’ but smaller in scale, and it funds student volunteers to teach English and Maths to schoolchildren and to help teachers develop innovative ways of teaching.
Warwick is launching a new scholarship scheme for Women of Pakistan; led by academic Shaheen Sardar Ali, it will help Pakistani women to apply for a funded degree at Warwick which will help them fulfil their potential.
The Warwick-Monash Alliance helps both universities to work together and become more attractive to new sources of funding, both public and private. As well as helping us to collaborate on research and student programmes, the partnership aims to raise our profile globally.
Our impact locally and globally
Warwick helps the local economy
We support almost 7,000 local jobs; our students boost the local economy by about £11,347 each every year, and about 23,500 graduates live or work in the West Midlands (or 14% of our alumni).
The donor-supported volunteer programme also helps neighbourhoods in a number of ways, from planting trees to brighten up neighbourhoods, to working in the region’s hospitals and GPs surgeries.
We also work closely with local hospitals on various research projects and funds, like the Grace Research Fund.
Warwick research has global impact
Our research has national and international impact, and we are the 7th best University in the UK for Research Excellence according to the UK Government
We have over 8,300 international students from 72 different countries.
(Source: SWQ in 2012)