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Before and after Toynbee: conceiving the Industrial Revolution during the long nineteenth century

23 September 2010, Cambridge

A one-day symposium, comprising a keynote talk by Professor Donald Winch (Sussex) and three panels of short papers. The symposium will be hosted by the Cambridge Victorian Studies Group. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for all participants with dinner and accommodation for speakers. Proposals of 250 words, for papers of twenty minutes, a short biography - as well as any queries - should be sent to by 21 June 2010.

Thu 13 May 2010, 09:34 | Tags: Call for Papers Symposium

Beyond the Little Magazine: 'Middlebrow' print culture, 'art' literature and the formation of modernist taste in Britain, 1910-45

14 July 2010, IAS Seminar Room, Milburn House, University of Warwick

This symposium will be chaired by Dr Louise Campbell with Professor Michael Hatt as key respondent. We are seeking to attract literary historians as well as historians of art and design and of visual and material culture.  Please send a 250-word proposal for a 30 minute paper to the seminar organiser Dr Rebecca Scragg ( by 21 May 2010.

Thu 08 Apr 2010, 09:54 | Tags: Call for Papers Symposium

Recycling Luxury and Waste in the Long 18th Century

The Afterlife of Used Things in Britain and France, 22 -23 June 2010, Université Paris Diderot / LARCA

We invite participants to study the versatile practices of recycling and refashioning that shaped the eighteenth-century world of goods with particular emphasis on the double question of waste and luxury. Thus the refashioning of old objects into new desirable ones, the thriving second-hand market often fuelled by the luxury trades and the problem of “waste management” in societies characterized by increased opulence are among the questions that the conference will seek to explore. Please send your proposals (max 300 words) to the organisers by 12th April 2010.

Thu 08 Apr 2010, 09:40 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

CFP: Early Modern Exclusions

14 September 2010, University of Portsmouth

This one-day conference develops out of, and responds to, research into the history and representation of the kinship, amity and community during the early modern period that has been accumulating steadily over recent decades. We hope to promote a reassessment of this body of work and to develop new lines of enquiry into the implied exclusions that result from or engender social organisation. We invite proposals for papers (of 20 minutes duration), or panel sessions, dealing with any aspect of exclusion in the 16th-18th centuries, and would welcome interdisciplinary proposals. The deadline is Friday 14 May, 2010.

Thu 08 Apr 2010, 09:28 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

The Bible in the 17th Century: The Authorised Version Quatercentenary

7-9 July 2011, Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, University of York

This conference, timed to coincide with the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Bible, will look at the reception of the Bible in the early modern era. It will bring together an impressive range of scholars from a variety of disciplines, to assess the significance of the scriptures to cultural, political, theological and philosophical history throughout the long seventeenth century.  Papers are invited on any aspect of the reception and use of the Bible in the early modern era.

Thu 25 Mar 2010, 09:46 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

British Historians of Women in the Americas

Third Annual Conference, 19 June 2010, Brunel University, London

Brunel University's Centre for American, Transatlantic and Caribbean History (CATCH) is holding a one-day conference on 19 June 2010 to discuss transnational perspectives on the History of Women in the Americas.  Papers are welcome from established academics, early career scholars and postgraduates. Postgraduates can also submit proposals for poster sessions. There is a modest conference of £15 for academics and £5 for post-graduates. Proposals should be submitted by 15 May at the latest, please send a 250 word abstract to Prof. Jay Kleinberg. Non-speakers are more than welcome to attend but should register by 1 June as places are limited.

Thu 18 Mar 2010, 09:50 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

Conflict & Conformity: Challenging Narratives of the Past

University of Dundee, 21-22 May 2010

The 7th Annual Conference of the Historical Perspectives Society. The theme for 2010, 'Conflict and Conformity', is intended to encourage participation by postgraduates working in a range of disciplines in the Arts and Social Sciences.  We welcome proposals (c.250 words) for 20 minute papers on any topic related to the theme.

Thu 11 Mar 2010, 10:08 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

Re-Creating Renaissance and Baroque Spectacle: The Hispanic Habsburg Dynasty in Context

16-17 July 2010, University of Edinburgh

The aim of this conference is to re-create or reconstruct Renaissance and Baroque Festivals by an interdisciplinary approach. This includes the presentation of the project’s online exhibition in which the project’s investigators re-create music played in Festivals and a 3D model of the city with the reconstruction of the ephemeral architecture displayed in it.

The organisers of this two-day conference seek contributions related to any aspect of Early Modern European festivals and are especially interested in proposals which relate to the festivals of the Hispanic Habsburg dynasty. The deadline for proposals is 1 April 2010. Notification of acceptance will be made before 1 May 2010. Selected papers will be considered for publication. The deadline for the full paper submission is 1 July 2010.

Thu 25 Feb 2010, 11:25 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

British Nuclear Culture: Themes, Approaches, Perspectives

17-18 June 2010, University of Liverpool, School of History

The conference sets out firstly to investigate the unique nature of nuclear culture in twentieth century Britain and, secondly, to rethink the conceptualisation of nuclear culture more generally. We are seeking to explore the impact nuclear culture had on British society, and the ways in which the scientific community, political decision-makers, consumerism, works of popular science, literature, journalism and film combined to create an identifiable nuclear culture. Also, because established studies have focused predominantly on the socio-cultural and political implications of nuclear energy and weapons, our conference aims to move towards a broader conceptualisation of nuclear culture in general.

Please send your 250-400-word proposal by 1 March 2010 to the co-organisers: Dr Jonathan Hogg or Dr Christoph Laucht

Thu 11 Feb 2010, 09:52 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

What period is it anyway? Negotiating Temporal Boundaries in Medieval Studies

Friday 19 March 2010, University of Birmingham, The Hilton Shepherd Centre for Medieval Studies Annual Postgraduate Symposium.

The theme for papers is real and perceived periodisation in Medieval studies: when does Late Antiquity become the Middle Ages? What does the transformation from Roman to Medieval or Anglo-Saxon mean? Are these temporal boundaries a help or a hindrance? We invite speakers from all fields of Late Antique and Medieval study. The symposium will provide a friendly forum for postgraduates at all stages of their studies to share their research.

Papers should be 20 minutes in length.  Please send proposals of approximately 300 words to: by Wednesday 24 February 2010.

Thu 04 Feb 2010, 10:54 | Tags: Call for Papers Symposium

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