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Departmental news

Dr Simon Peplow writes about the George Floyd protests

Digital Arts Lab student showcase - Will Barber Taylor, 2nd year History student

Will Barber Taylor, 2nd year History student, has submitted a piece about the Labour Party, 1964-1970 to the Digital Arts Lab student showcase, you can see his submission at:

Mon 01 Jun 2020, 10:04 | Tags: Undergraduate Announcement Faculty of Arts

Uta Rautenberg's blog on Homophobia in the Nazi camps published

Warwick History PhD student, Uta Rautenberg's blog on Homophobia in the Nazi camps, is published by the Wiener Holocaust Library, please see:

Faculty of Arts Online HE Fair

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Warwick is holding an online HE Fair on 13 May 2020 from 1pm to 3pm, this HE Fair is held in conjunction with UEA and Goldsmith University covering a number of Arts and Humanities subjects including History. Further details can be found at:

AHRC Midlands4Cities DTP - Application Workshop

For any students thinking of applying for AHRC Midlands4Cities funding to complete a PhD, an application workshop will be taking place on Saturday 16th November at Coventry University. Details of the event can be found on the following page:

The workshops are aimed at potential students who are planning to submit an application for PhD research to Midlands4Cities. Practical advice will be given on how to plan your application and structure your research proposal.

You can attend any of the application writing workshops regardless of which M4C institution you are applying to.

Fri 08 Nov 2019, 12:23 | Tags: Research Postgraduate Funding Competition Faculty of Arts

AHRC Midlands4Cities DTP - Application Now Open!

We are excited to announce that the University of Warwick, together with Coventry University, is joining with the Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) consortium to create the Midlands4Cities AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) funded DTP.

The Midlands4Cities DTP will fund and train the next generation of highly skilled arts and humanities researchers through PhD Scholarships.

Our consortium partners are present in the four cities of Nottingham, Birmingham, Leicester and Coventry and are: University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, De Montfort University, University of Leicester, Nottingham Trent University, the University of Nottingham and Coventry University.

For full details and eligibility criteria please see:

Tue 05 Nov 2019, 13:34 | Tags: Postgraduate Funding Competition Faculty of Arts

Professor Hilary Marland provides expert opinion on BBC One's Who Do You Think You Are?

In a first for Who Do You Think You Are?, father-and-son comedy double-act Jack and Michael Whitehall join forces to investigate their family tree. They discover the tragedy that left Jack’s great grandfather (Michael’s grandfather) an orphan. And tracing their line back to Wales in the 1830s, they find out about a Tory ancestor's role in opposing the Chartist movement for wider voting rights.

Professor Hilary Marland features in the programme, which is now available on BBC iPlayer.

Fri 09 Aug 2019, 11:26 | Tags: TV and Radio, Media, Faculty of Arts, Expert Comment

Dr Sarah Richardson awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Historical Association

Sarah RichardsonWe are delighted to announce that Dr Sarah Richardson has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Historical Association. Each year the Historical Association awards a small number of Honorary Fellowships to recognise and celebrate outstanding contributions to history and to the Historical Association.

Thu 09 May 2019, 11:00 | Tags: Award Announcement Faculty of Arts

2018 Arts Faculty Research Poster Competition

Dave SteeleCongratulations to Dave Steele, History Department PhD student, the winner of the 2018 Arts Faculty Research Poster Competition.

The Poster Competition is an annual event for students to hone their poster design, presentation and public engagement skills. The competition brings together Postgraduate Researchers from across all disciplines at Warwick to compete for both Faculty and overall winners prizes.

In addition to designing their poster, students present their poster to pairs of judges drawn from both business and academia, and colleagues at Warwick from all academic disciplines and central departments. The challenge is to ensure that students can explain their research to a broad audience.

For more details, please see


Fri 22 Jun 2018, 17:53 | Tags: Research Postgraduate Competition Faculty of Arts

Cultural Encounters Workshop: Call for Abstracts Now Open

University of Warwick and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), 5th - 8th November 2018, Shanghai

This event is the second workshop to take place between Warwick and SJTU, following a successful inaugural event in January this year.

Encounters between different peoples have occurred throughout human history: clashes between ancient civilisations; European explorations of the world; imperialist conquests; and modern warfare are just a few of the settings for such encounters. This workshop will examine not so much the ‘how and why’ of cultural encounters, but instead aims to explore how these encounters were (and still are) interpreted and understood; how intercultural interactions evolved; and how cultures or social systems were translated or mediated for different audiences and environments.

We will be taking 8 academics from Warwick to participate in this workshop in Shanghai; graduate students are not eligible to apply.

It is envisaged that the theme will particularly resonate with many colleagues in the faculties of arts and social sciences.

Applicants should supply a brief (under 200 words) abstract of a proposed paper addressing the theme above. The intention is to publish a selection of papers. Air travel between the UK and China, as well as all reasonable expenses will be covered.

Abstracts should be sent to Professor Tim Lockley via ( by 15th May 2018.

SJTU Workshop

Thu 03 May 2018, 16:04 | Tags: Faculty of Arts

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