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Departmental news

Dr Stephen Connelly and Dr Celine Tan provide written evidence to UK Parliament inquiry on debt relief in low-income countries

Dr Stephen Connelly and Dr Celine Tan submitted evidence to a parliamentary inquiry on debt and development. The inquiry examines the impact of high levels of debt on development in low-income countries and the tools and strategies employed to reduce the debt burden.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Thu 28 Jul 2022, 10:18 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Staff in action

Andi Hoxhaj featured in UK Conversation

Warwick Law School's Dr Andi Hoxhaj has written a piece for The Conversation UK (published on the 18 July 2022) on Russia's increasing influence on the Balkans just as the region's fragile peace is threatened.

Tue 19 Jul 2022, 11:38 | Tags: Publication, Staff in action

Professor Munro secures CPS funding for important rape research

Congratulations to Warwick Law School’s Professor Vanessa Munro who has been awarded funding to work with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in implementing and evaluating changes to improve responses to complaints and complainants of rape.

Wed 13 Jul 2022, 14:14 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Funding

Warwick Law School supports launch of Africa Hub

Law School colleagues Professor Sharifah Sekalala and Professor Ann Stewart attended the launch of the Warwick Africa Hub last month, in support of its initiatives. Sharifah and Ann were invited to speak at the event and were joined by Ms Bience Gawanas, one of the Law School’s most distinguished and inspiring African female graduates.

Tue 05 Jul 2022, 10:35 | Tags: Alumni, Staff in action

Law School WATE Winners 2022

The Law School has seen significant success in the latest Warwick Awards for Teaching ExcellenceLink opens in a new window (WATE) with four of our colleagues winning awards in different categories. Head of School, Professor Victor Tadros commented "It is terrific to see our staff and postgraduate community receiving recognition for the brilliant teaching they do."

Mon 04 Jul 2022, 12:29 | Tags: Award, Student Achievement, Staff in action

Foreign Minister Lavrov commends the Open Balkans project - expert comment

Western Balkans expert Dr Andi HoxhajLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window of Warwick Law SchoolLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window comments:-

"On Monday 6th June Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov planned to visit Serbia to sign a new three year gas agreement provided by the Russian energy company Gazprom. Under the agreement Serbia would pay approximately $400 per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian natural gas — almost four times less than other European countries pay."

Wed 08 Jun 2022, 09:15 | Tags: Staff in action, Expert Comment

Dr Ming-Sung Kuo cited by the Supreme Court of Canada

Dr Ming-Sung Kuo's 2019 paper ‘Between Choice and Tradition: Rethinking Remedial Grace Periods and Unconstitutionality Management in a Comparative Light’ was cited by the Suprme Court of Cananda in R. v. Albashir ([2021] SCC 48). Congratulations Ming-Sung.

Mon 06 Jun 2022, 10:00 | Tags: Impact, Publication, Research, Staff in action

Dr Jane Bryan featured on BBC Sounds

Warwick Law School’s Dr Jane Bryan was featured on BBC Sounds this week (Monday 30th May) discussing the Say My Name Project and the negative impacts routine mispronunciation and name avoidance can have on an individual’s feeling of belonging and visibility.

Wed 01 Jun 2022, 10:15 | Tags: Impact, Research, Staff in action

THE WAY AHEAD happens faster when different perspectives join forces

In a world of growing complexity and interconnectivity, interdisciplinarity is an approach that brings together multiple disciplines to challenge how we understand some of the most pressing issues around us and to deliver real world impact. Professor Jackie Hodgson explains.

Tue 31 May 2022, 14:11 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Dr Rajnaara Akhtar featured on ITV News

Warwick Law School’s Dr Rajnaara Akhtar was featured on ITV Central News yesterday (Wednesday 11th May) discussing current English wedding law and whether it is fit for purpose in our modern multi-cultural society.

Thu 12 May 2022, 15:41 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

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