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Centrica announces 5,000 job cuts - expert comments

As Centrica, the owner of British Gas, has announced plans to cut 5,000 jobs, Professor David Elmes of Warwick Business School and Professor Mike Waterson of the Department of Economics comment on the factors that may have led the company to this decision.

Thu 11 Jun 2020, 12:07 | Tags: Economics, WBS, Research, Warwick Business School

Forecast for COVID-19 cases in the UK: Updated modelling

The UK passed the peak of new Coronavirus cases on April 8, and the disease is now on a downward trajectory, but zero new cases are not now predicted until early August, according to updated modelling from Dr Roberto Pancrazi (Warwick Economics and the CAGE Research Centre)

Tue 28 Apr 2020, 10:55 | Tags: Economics, Expert comment, Research, coronavirus, COVID19, CAGE

Coronavirus may cause the biggest slump since the South Sea Bubble - expert comment

It was suggested following yesterday's Coronavirus Press Briefing that the economic downturn in the wake of the virus could be the biggest since the 18th century South Sea Bubble. Economist Dr Claudia Rei explains the difference between a bubble and the unprecedented situation the world economy is now facing.

COVID-19 and global stock markets: expert advice from economist Roger Farmer

It was reported this week that stock markets have suffered their worst quarter since 1987, due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor Roger Farmer, from the Department of Economics, offers his expert analysis and advice to world economies

Fri 03 Apr 2020, 11:38 | Tags: Economics, Finance, Economics and Finance, coronavirus, COVID19

Costs and consequences of data breaches - expert comment

"Market penalty depends a great deal on the type of breach, the sensitivity of the information, the number of records lost, the extent to which the firm ‘holds itself out’ as a safe guardian of data and the delay between breach and disclosure." Dr Jonathan Cave comments on the consequences that can flow from large data breaches such as the recent Virgin Media incident.

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