Expert Comment
Expert comment on the Coronavirus Bill
Global health law expert Dr Sharifah Sekalala from the University of Warwick School of Law takes a look at the emergency legislation starting its Parliamentary passage today.
The challenge facing our creative industries - expert comment
As the Chancellor prepares to announce a package of support for workers whose jobs are at risk because of COVID19, Dr Heidi Ashton from the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies highlights the particular challenges for people in the creative sector.
How can we best support children with additional needs through the school closures? Expert comment.
Special needs and inclusive education expert Professor Geoff Lindsay of Warwick CEDAR comments on the news that vulnerable children, including those with Education, Health and Care Plans will continue to attend school despite the shutdown announced on Wednesday.
Reducing Restrictive Intervention of Children and Young People - expert comment
"Restrictive practices are clearly not being used in 'last resort' circumstances, and are being used with very young children." A new report launched today in the House of Lords presents data on the inappropriate use of restrictive interventions on children and young people with disabilities. Professor Richard Hastings from CEDAR comments.
NAO finds Prison Service "failing" to manage prison estate effectively - expert comment
Professor Azrini Wahidin comments on today's National Audit Office (NAO) report, Improving the prison estate, which finds that although Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service is committed to providing a safe, secure and decent prison estate, its plans to achieve this are failing.