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Professor Ivo Vlaev comments on World Car Free Day

Off the back of the Prime Minister's climate change u-turn and concerns that the UK won't reach Net Zero in time, are awareness days like World Car Free Day (22nd September 2023) enough to 'nudge' us into being more environmentally conscious?

Thu 21 Sep 2023, 14:34 | Tags: Climate change, Expert comment, climate, Warwick Business School

Manuela Galetto, co-director of the Industrial Relations Research Unit and Associate Professor of Employment Relations on IPPR report, employment services

"The findings of the Institute for Public Policy Research about the inadequate quality of the Government’s employment services provide an important policy pointer in a key moment for the UK economy. Sadly, their findings come as no surprise to those who have been following the continuous de-funding and ‘marketisation’ of jobs centres of the past 20 years."

Wed 06 Sep 2023, 14:42 | Tags: WBS, Employment, Warwick Business School

Professor John Thanassoulis comments on account closure complaints to the Financial Ombudsman

"Although the number of complaints to the financial ombudsman about unfair bank closures is relatively modest at the moment, it is a problem that is likely to increase due to the growing use of Big Data, AI and social media in banking.

Thu 27 Jul 2023, 12:04 | Tags: Finance, Banks, Expert comment, Warwick Business School

Dr Frederik Dahlmann on the cost of Greece wildfires to the tourism industry

Dr Frederik Dahlmann, Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick comments on the impact of wildfires in Greece, and climate change in general on the tourism industry.

Wed 26 Jul 2023, 09:05 | Tags: Climate change, Expert comment, climate, Warwick Business School

Prof Marianna Fotaki on the legacy of Boris Johnson's leadership

Abuse of power and evading responsibility when such abuse is uncovered lies at the heart of Boris Johnson's leadership.

Thu 15 Jun 2023, 10:36 | Tags: University of Warwick, Warwick Business School

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