Expert Comment
5 expert tips to protect your children this Safer Internet Day (6th Feb)
Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day, a day which is dedicated to help the young and vulnerable to stay safe online.
This can sometimes feel like a difficult task, but expert in cybersecurity at the University of Warwick Dr Shweta Singh has shared her tips to help keep your children safe online.
Dr Harjinder Lallie comments on the UK's vulnerability to cyber attacks
Dr Harjinder Lallie comments on the UK's vulnerability to cyber attacks after giving evidence to Parliament's joint committee on the national security strategy.
Dr Harjinder Lallie comments on the Kier Starmer deepfake
Dr Harjinder Lallie, discipline group leader in cyber security at the University of Warwick says we can expect more deepfakes in the run up to the general election.
Dr Harjinder Lallie on cybersecurity experts shortage
Dr Harjinder Singh Lallie, discipline group leader in cyber security at the University of Warwick, said: “Cyber security is sometimes considered a ‘nice to have’ within many public sector organisations. This can lead to this provision being placed at the forefront of spending cuts. However, reducing funding to cyber security, particularly shedding staff, can have catastrophic short-term impacts..."
Costs and consequences of data breaches - expert comment
"Market penalty depends a great deal on the type of breach, the sensitivity of the information, the number of records lost, the extent to which the firm ‘holds itself out’ as a safe guardian of data and the delay between breach and disclosure." Dr Jonathan Cave comments on the consequences that can flow from large data breaches such as the recent Virgin Media incident.