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Dr Elena Giusti on the 2018 Women's Prize for Fiction

Dr Elena Giusti, Assistant Professor in Latin Literature and Language, discusses the 2018 Women's Prize for Fiction, won by Kamila Shamsie for her novel Home Fire, a reworking of Sophocles' Greek tragedy.

Thu 07 Jun 2018, 15:46 | Tags: Arts, Classics and Ancient History, Culture, History, Literature, author, book

Arts funding imbalance: more must be done report finds

More must be done to the address the imbalance in arts funding between London and the rest of the country. That's the conclusion of a Culture, Media and Sport Committee report out today (15 December). Chris Bilton , Reader, School of Theatre Studies says the government has been urged to address this imbalance since the 1980s, with relatively little effect

Harper Lee - she only managed to write one novel in her long life, but one was enough

Mark Storey, Assistant Professor of American Literature, plays tribute to Harper Lee: US author of To Kill a Mockingbird who has died today aged 89

Fri 19 Feb 2016, 16:41 | Tags: America, English, Literature

Contact and Connections

Dr Charlotte Mathieson summarises the 2013 Travel and Mobility Studies Symposium:

"Although the papers were diverse in their topics of focus, if there was one theme that I found threaded throughout the day it was the sense that travel practices and narratives serve not so much to connect, but rather to destabilise categories of identity, places, narratives...

Thu 04 Jul 2013, 10:43 | Tags: History, Literature, Research

Celebrating Dickens in 2012

A blog post on the Journal of Victorian Culture Online from Dr Charlotte Mathieson, Research Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study:

Throughout 2012, the University of Warwick joined many institutions and organisations around the world in marking the bicentenary of Charles Dickens. Celebrating Dickens brought together researchers and students from the University to celebrate Dickens’s life and times...

Tue 07 May 2013, 15:41 | Tags: Literature

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