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Warwick Business School Student Comes Top Again

Lizzie Penny, a student of International Business at Warwick Business School won Undergraduate Student of the Year in the seventh annual Awards for Business and Management Students, sponsored by the UK's Association of Business Schools.

Walking in the IT Park

The Enterprise Fellowship Scheme (EFS) has nurtured yet another innovative business, with Meadoweb ready to delivery 24x7 IT support to any business or home computer user not covered by an IT support department.

Duke of York Visits the International Automotive Research Centre

Today, His Royal Highness The Duke of York spent an hour and a half visiting the International Automotive Centre (IARC) in Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG).

Warwick Business School Climbs the League Tables

In the Financial Times Full-time MBA world rankings published this morning, Warwick Business School has gained a further two places from last year and is now placed at 32 in the world.
Fri 06 Aug 2004, 10:34 | Tags: Business Members

Right to Read

Every child has the 'right to read' but not every child has the opportunity. Warwick Volunteers and the University Bookshop have teamed up to support 'right to read'.

Warwick Engineering Students have the Winning Formula

Fourteen keen and self-motivated fourth year undergraduate students from the Department of Engineering have set their sights on winning the 2004 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Formula Student competition, slated to take place in Leicestershire next year.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 14:35 | Tags: Business Members, Education, Computer Science, IT

Research TV Highly Commended at PR Week Awards

Research TV, the consortium of universities and funding agencies, led by the University of Warwick, got a special mention at last night's PR Week Awards ceremony.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 12:09 | Tags: Business Members, Law, Education, Computer Science, IT

Lord Butterworth of Warwick, 1918-2003: Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick

The University of Warwick has learnt with deep regret of the death on 18 June of its first Vice-Chancellor Lord 'Jack' Butterworth. In its short history, Warwick has risen to become one of the UK's leading universities with an outstanding record of innovation and achievement - a position due in no small measure to Lord Butterworth's leadership during its formative years.
Fri 30 Jul 2004, 15:33 | Tags: Business Members, Research, University Affairs

Fake Plastic Trees

The Faraday Plastics Partnership is a DTI funded initiative run jointly by Warwick Manufacturing Group and Rapra Technology Ltd. The partnership uses the contacts and experience of Manufacturing Group staff to build relationships between the world of academic research and the polymer-using business community.
Thu 29 Jul 2004, 14:04 | Tags: Business Members, Engineering, Chemistry, Art

Investment Funding Looking Good for Midlands Companies

Investment funding opportunities in the Midlands are growing – and a conference in Birmingham in November will create the environment for nearly 20 science, engineering and technology companies in the region to attract investment funding of almost £3m each.

Thu 29 Jul 2004, 11:52 | Tags: Business Members, Business, Economics

Warwick raises research profile with research-tv

Warwick has joined forces with other top national universities and research development agencies including ESRC and Advantage West Midlands to create a consortium dedicated to raising the profile of research in higher education.

Turning good ideas into businesses - the Enterprise Fellowship Scheme

The Enterprise Fellowship Scheme (EFS) is managed by Warwick Ventures, the University department responsible for creating spin-off companies based on University technology.
Wed 28 Jul 2004, 13:49 | Tags: Business Members, Business, University Services

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