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Press Releases

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Commercial weight management groups could support women to manage their weight after giving birth

Women who were overweight at the start of their pregnancy would welcome support after they have given birth in the form of commercial weight management groups, University of Warwick-led research has found.

Mon 06 Jan 2020, 10:51 | Tags: research, WMS, Warwick Medical School, Clinical Trials Unit

Warwick Medical School research to drive improvements for women, their infants and families

Warwick Medical School is bringing together vital expertise in pregnancy and postnatal research in a drive to tackle the most pressing issues for the life-course health of women, their infants and families.

Health scientists from University of Warwick join prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship

The Academy of Medical Sciences has elected 50 of the UK’s leading figures within biomedical and health sciences to their esteemed Fellowship, including two University of Warwick scientists, it has been announced today.

Self-assessing back pain by app just as effective as traditional methods, study shows

Patients can assess their own back pain using an app on their phone or tablet as effectively as current paper methods, a new study from the University of Warwick has shown.

Wed 28 Nov 2018, 13:16 | Tags: Health, pain, Warwick Medical School, Clinical Trials Unit

Standard chemotherapy treatment for HPV-positive throat cancer remains the most effective, study finds

A new study funded by Cancer Research UK and sponsored by the University of Warwick has found that the standard chemotherapy used to treat a specific type of throat cancer remains the most effective.

Mon 19 Nov 2018, 10:13 | Tags: cancer, Warwick Medical School, Clinical Trials Unit

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