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Gold medallist joins charity netball tournament at the University of Warwick raising over £32,000

National cancer support charity Look Good Feel Better teamed up with England Netball to host its Annual Charity Netball Tournament at the University of Warwick, raising over £32,000 for people undergoing treatment for cancer.

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 14:00 | Tags: cancer, Charity, Event, fitness, Sport and Wellness Hub

International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Physicist advancing skin cancer screening and diagnosis using terahertz waves

Ahead of International Day of Women and Girls in Science this Sunday, 11 February, The University of Warwick is shining the spotlight on a physicist who is developing new technology to advance the diagnosis and screening of skin cancers.

Fri 09 Feb 2024, 15:19 | Tags: cancer Health Physics 1 - Research Sciences women Women in STEM

AI tool developed to help grade cancer based on cell divisions

Ahead of World Cancer Day on 4 February, scientists are revealing a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to help grade cancer, by analysing cell division.

Digital pathology cleared for use in cancer screening programmes

New research funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has led to the UK government approving the use of digital pathology to help speed up analysis of cancer screening samples.

AI research at the University of Warwick will speed up colon cancer diagnoses, thanks to a £2.6m grant

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help to speed up colon cancer diagnoses, thanks to a £2.6m research grant.

Cancer origin identified through cell ‘surgery’ – new research

Research from the University of Warwick sheds new light on a key cause of cancer formation during cell division (or mitosis), and points towards potential solutions for preventing it from occurring.

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