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Foundling Museum exhibition sheds new light on Georgian Era African and Asian children

Research by a University of Warwick academic has resulted in an exhibition at the Foundling Museum, examining the history of African and Asian foundling children in the Georgian Era.

Tue 10 Jan 2023, 13:01 | Tags: Immigration, Africa, Arts and Humanities, asia, History, Ethnic Relations

Study indicates immigration not to blame for terrorism

Migration is overall not a source of terrorism according to new research from the University of Warwick. In fact the study indicates that more migration could create a decrease in the number of terrorist attacks, not an increase.

Warwick team begins research on refugee and migrant experiences of crossing the Mediterranean

Social scientists from the University of Warwick are carrying out an urgent research project on the current migratory situation in Europe, using emergency funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Liverpudlians Asked to Help Plot the City’s forgotten Hispanic History

Liverpool residents and historians are being asked to take part in a new research project to document the city’s disappearing Hispanic history.

Tue 02 Dec 2014, 13:23 | Tags: International, Immigration, History, Arts

New research project to examine impacts of the ‘Go Home’ Campaign

A research team based at the University of Warwick has won a grant to research the wide-ranging impacts of the Home Office ‘Go Home’ immigration campaign.

Tue 19 Nov 2013, 09:16 | Tags: sociology, research, Politics, Immigration, community