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‘Take Time to Think’ gambling warning has no impact on betting behaviour

Clearer messaging on gambling harm is needed if the industry is to help customers moderate their gambling behaviour, experts have warned.
Academics have found that the widely used Take Time to Think slogan has no impact on people’s behaviour while gambling, after testing its effectiveness in a virtual casino environment.

Wed 08 Mar 2023, 11:24 | Tags: research, gambling

Warning labels for online gambling ‘ineffective and too difficult to find’ new study concludes

The manner that UK online gambling operators present information about the risk of play, required by the industry regulator, is ‘ineffective and too difficult to find’ researchers from the University of Warwick and CQUniversity in Australia have concluded.

Fri 26 Mar 2021, 10:43 | Tags: research, psychology, gambling

Problem gamblers report high rates of gambling legally as children

Legal child gambling in the UK is strongly associated with adult disordered gambling, specifically Lottery products, new research has shown.

Wed 05 Aug 2020, 15:05 | Tags: psychology, Addiction, gambling, Sciences

Gambling research shows rapid increases in amount and potential influence of sport related gambling advertising since 2013/2014

A survey led by a University of Warwick psychology researcher of gambling advertising research since 2014 shows a shows rapid increases in amount and potential influence.

Mon 11 Mar 2019, 10:58 | Tags: University of Warwick, psychology, mental health, gambling