
Spectroscopy & MicroscopyFluorescence Spectroscopy
Fluorescence spectroscopy studies the spectrum of light emitted by a sample that occurs when a energy is absorbed at a wavelength where the sample has a transition dipole moment. The excitation energy provided to the sample at the ground state promotes photons to an excited state, from where they then decay releasing a photon of lower energy. Fluorescent spectroscopy provides information on the electronic structure of a material, such as the band gap or defects present in semiconductors. Is possible to perform time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to derived luminescence lifetime or phosphorescence lifetimes. Combination of Raman spectroscopy with a microscope allows a precise point on a surface to be analysed and maps of samples to be collected.
We have a dedicated Fluorescence spectrometer for bulk measurements and a fluorescence microscopes for imaging. In addition we have four Mapping Spectrometers available with excitation from UV to NIR are capable of creating fluorescence images. Further information can be found on our Raman spectrometers page.
Case Study
Intense "blue-green" phosphorescence is commonly observed in near colourless lab-grown diamonds but its origin was not well understood. gaining an insight into the process involved in this emission sheds light not only onto the defect involved but potential enables its tailoring and exploitation.

Conventional optical spectroscopy was able to map out the behaviour profile of this phosphorescence by observing the emission spectrum of the samples under different excitation wavelengths. Combining this information with optically-excited time-resolved techniques we were not only able to assign the origin of the signa to interactions of substitutional Nitrogen and Boron and model the mechanism but also shed light on rarely seen charge state of substitutional nitrogen. For furhter information please see Gloria Zhou's work
Case Study

Internal Enquiries
If you wish to be trained on the systems, please submit an online training request and we will get back to you. Alternatively, if you wish to have a sample run for you or want further information contact us on spectroscopy@warwick.ac.uk.
Approved Users
To make a booking use our booking pages. You may also want to check for any known spectrometer issues on the Instrument status pages.
Please remember to submit a sample submission form before bringing samples into the lab.
External Enquiries
For information about using the RTPs as an external customer, please contact Warwick Scientific Services scientific.services@warwick.ac.uk or visit the WSS website.