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Focus Groups - Register

Please see below the details of a series of Focus Groups that have been arranged for Technicians to attend in January/February.

Tues 23rd Jan 24, 12.00- 13.00pm- Ramphal Building, Room R0.03- CANCELLED

Tues 6th Feb 24, 12.00- 13.00pm- Gibbet Hill, Room BSR5

Tues 20th Feb 24, 12.00- 13.00pm- Ramphal Building, Room R0.03

Weds 21st Feb 24- 3.00- 4.00pm- Social Sciences Building Room S0.52

The Focus Groups are an opportunity for Technicians the opportunity to meet with members of the Technician Commitment Steering Group and to have an input into the actions that are important to you. The types of topics that we will be discussing are:

  • Career development and progression (for generalist technicians)
  • Reward mechanisms
  • Visibility of Technicians and how to showcase what Technicians do
  • Recruitment and retention of Technical Staff

If you would like to be involved in discussions on any of these topics, or have any other suggestions of actions that you think the Technician Commitment Steering Group should be including in the action plan, then please book onto one of the sessions using the form below.

Which focus groups would you like to attend? (required)
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This form is will only be used to collect email address information in order to contact you about the available dates that the focus groups around key themes of the Technician Commitment at Warwick take place. It will be deleted once these take place. If you wish to keep up to date with the latest news on the progress on the Technicians Commitment, please use the RSS feed on ( and/or register for the newsletter (

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