Provocation: Investing in Culture
The first public provocation event took place on 4th February 2014 in the British Library Auditorium.
Those who were unable to attend can watch the videos or look at the photos. Take a look at our Storify to get a flavour of the hotly contended issues and view the amazing installation created for the event by our artists in residence, Stan's Cafe.
Commissioner Day One: Investing in Culture
In the inspiring setting of the Design Council, the Commission held its first evidence-gathering session on 23rd January 2014.
To find out more about our evidence givers and to read some of the background evidence, click here.
Introductory Meeting
On 27th November the Commission held an introductory meeting in Shoreditch to discuss the project's themes, aims and methodologies.
To read a short report on the evening's lively debates, click here.
The Warwick Commission's work centres around two types of events:
1. Public Provocations:
These evenings bring together a panel of economists, artists, academics and cultural professionals to debate the most contentious issues surrounding cultural value. High-profile speakers, such as Robert Peston and Sir John Sorrell, will kick-start the discussions and Jane Hill will then chair a 'Question-Time' style discussion where the audience has the chance to have its say.
2. Commissioner Days:
Following a parliamentary 'select-committee' format, these full-day events give the Commissioners the opportunity to gather oral evidence from key players in the cultural sector. This will be considered together with data collected from major arts organisations, funding bodies, public institutions and other relevant bodies.