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Education and Talent


What role does culture play at school, and is this the same across state and independent schools?


Does cultural skills training in the UK promote an effective talent pipeline?


What are the adverse social, political and economic effects of a declining number of arts graduates?





Paul Roberts OBE
Ms Dinah Caine
Prof. Geoffrey Crossick
Mr Darren Henley
Mr Paul Roberts OBE

The theme raises the problems of determining and celebrating the connections between access to arts education in all levels of schooling and the vibrancy of the cultural sector. We will ask:

• How dependent is the quality of the cultural industry on the continuous and consistent supply of skills training to the highest standards, and who can access this training?

• How does arts education in state schools contribute to wider engagement with all forms of arts culture, and how does this compare with independent schools?

• What are the long-term implications of increased tuition fees for the arts and humanities in Higher education?

• What role does arts provision at all educational levels play in the development of skills and talents for future employees of the creative and cultural sector, and beyond?


  • To map out the network of educational opportunities available in schools, Further and Higher Education;
  • To assess whether this is adequate to ensure an inclusive and vibrant cultural life;
  • To make recommendations on the value and interdependencies of arts education, broader cultural learning and skills training.


Theme Three Events:

3 June 2014: Public Provocation, the Barbican

Sir John Sorrell will lead a discussion on the future of creative talent in the UK and what we need to do to ensure a healthy future for young talent. This will be followed by a panel discussion including Sonita Alleyne, Munira Mirza, Deborah Bull and Tim Boyes. More information on this event can be found here.

10 June 2014: Commissioner Day, Design Council

Further information about the third Commissioner Day will be posted soon.
