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Commission News

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Warwick Commission’s Avinash Persaud ranked number 2 in Prospect’s list of “the top 25 brains of the financial crisis”

2. Avinash Persaud Financial liquidity analyst, adviser to governments around the world, the man who has studied “herd” behaviour in finance, and now the man trying to stop it.
Fri 18 Dec 2009, 12:07 | Tags: warwick_commission

Australia adopts Warwick Commission recommendations

Recommendations made by the first Warwick Commission on the future of the trade system have been incorporated in the biggest review of Australian trade policy in almost twenty years.
Tue 30 Sept 2008, 16:32 | Tags: debate, policy

Fine-Tuning Trade - a review of the Warwick Commission

The Literary Review of Canada recently published a review of the Warwick Commission report “The Multilateral Trade Regime: Which Way Forward?". The review, entitled “Fine Tuning Trade” by Rohinton Medhora claims that the commission’s strategy to make the case for the feasible rather than the supremely desirable provides it a better chance of success.
Tue 30 Sept 2008, 16:16 | Tags: debate, report

‘Second life’ for Warwick Commission

Chair of Warwick Commission, the Hon Pierre Pettigrew says the commission report into the future of world trade is set to have an even bigger impact after the completion of the Doha round of negotiations of the World Trade Organisation.
Tue 29 Jul 2008, 17:54 | Tags: dissemination, warwick_commission

EU Committee call on expertise of Warwick Commission

The European Union Committee have called upon members of the Warwick Commission to give evidence as part of an inquiry into European Trade Policy.
Wed 28 May 2008, 12:22 | Tags: dissemination

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