Enrolment FAQs

FAQ's: Enrolment
Frequently Asked Questions
Queries relating to the online enrolment process and photograph upload for your Warwick ID Card. Please also select this option if your query does not fall into any of the categories below.
Queries related to the Course Registration aspect of the enrolment process.
Right to Study
Queries relating to your immigration status or documentation including visas and Biometric Residence Permits.
Queries relating to arriving on campus, including if your course starts before the main University term.
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On the below FAQs please select the ' >>' widget next to the section title to unhide the text so it becomes visible to the screen reader.
a) General Enrolment Queries
You will receive an email notifying you when Course Registration becomes available for you.
As long as you have met all the conditions on your offer, you should be asked to complete this 4-6 weeks in advance of your course start date.
Do not try to complete the enrolment activities until you receive an email asking you to do so, otherwise you may encounter problems.
Your Warwick University ID will be a 7 digits long number and can be found on your Offer Email.
If you have studied at Warwick before, you will most probably retain your previous Warwick University ID.
How do I submit my photograph?
You can upload your photo for your Warwick ID card via photos.warwick.ac.uk. We accept photos in jpg, png or gif format. Please ensure your photo matches the criteria in our photo guidelines.
How do I know if my photograph have been submitted successfully?
Go to photos.warwick.ac.uk to see the photos you have uploaded and to select your preferred photo.
The photograph I've submitted appears slightly blurry/pixelated or the wrong size - what should I do?
You will need to upload a new photo. Find a new photo at least 240px wide x 240px high and ensure it is crisp. Upload this new photo via photos.warwick.ac.uk.
Have you accepted and met all outstanding conditions on your offer?
Outstanding conditions may include production of your degree/other certificates, achievement of grades required in your offer etc. If you have not yet accepted and/or met your conditions of offer, you will not be able to begin your studies until you do so. If you believe you can now demonstrate that you have met your conditions, please contact either undergraduate admissionsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window or postgraduate admissionsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
Have you entered your Warwick University ID correctly?
Your University Warwick ID will be a 7 digit number, and can be found in your Offer Email. If you have studied at Warwick before, you will most probably retain your old Warwick University ID.
Are you using the correct details to log in?
The first enrolment task is to register for your IT Services account, and you then use these log in details to access Course Registration. The username for your Warwick ITS account will be a u followed by your ID number.
Are you trying to access course registration too early?
Course registration will only be open for you 4-6 weeks before your course start date. You will receive an email with instructions once you are able to enrol, so please wait for this before attempting to access Course Registration.
In certain, very limited circumstances, students are permitted to enrol provisionally on postgraduate courses when they still have conditions of their offer outstanding.
This may happen if you are awaiting the final confirmation of your DBS check, or if you are beginning a PhD programme in September, but will not receive the results of your Master's degree until November.
Please note that if you still have conditions outstanding on your offer of a place to study at the University, your enrolment will remain provisional until you have satisfied all the outstanding conditions of your offer.
If you fail to satisfy the outstanding conditions of your offer within six weeks of the date of your enrolment, your enrolment will be terminated and you will no longer be a student of the University.
Any payments of stipends to Postgraduate students will not be paid until you have satisfied all outstanding conditions of your offer and are fully enrolled. For more information, please see the Payments to StudentsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window webpage.
Yes, students going on a year abroad/year in industry are required to re-enrol when asked.
You will be able to re-enrol once your results have been coded by Student Records. Once this coding is complete you will automatically receive the re-enrolment email instructing you how to complete re-enrolment. Students taking September resits received an email with full details in mid-August.
Please fill out the below form and a member of the enrolment team will be in touch shortly. We aim to answer queries within three working days.
b) Course Registration Queries
Please select ‘I wish to pay my fees in one payment’.
Please pick the most relevant option. If you have multiple sponsors, please select the one funding the higher amount. If each sponsor is funding an equal amount, select any one of them. Please note there is an 'Other - not specified above [not parents/family]' option if required.
Unless you are taking another degree level course i.e. a Bachelors or Masters, please select 'No'.
Please visit the following link to contact Student Immigration and Compliance team in Student Opportunity for advice.
Warwick | Student Administrative Services | Enrolment | FAQs | Right to Study in the UK
Please contact the relevant Admissions Team.
Undergraduate - ugadmissions@warwick.ac.uk
Postgraduate - pgadmissions2@warwick.ac.uk
If you are getting a Student Loans Company (SLC) loan or external sponsorship to fund your tuition fees, please tick the pay by instalments option.
Please complete the Sponsorship Form from the enrolment dashboard.
Add you permanent home address, this is usually the parents address.
Later on in Course Registration, you’ll be asked where you’re living while you’re studying, and for this, you should enter your term time address.
When you move, you will be able to update this after completing Course Registration by logging in at www.warwick.ac.uk/evisionLink opens in a new window Link opens in a new window and selecting the My Data tab.
Visit our Course Registration contact form and submit your query and a member of the enrolment team will be in touch shortly. We aim to answer queries within three working days.
d) Arriving on Campus
You need to complete the tasks outlined on our enrolment page.
How and when you collect your Warwick ID card will depend on your course start date and whether you are living on or off campus. Please see the card collection page for more information.
To collect your Warwick ID card, please bring a form of valid photographic ID (e.g. Driving Licence or Passport) and ensure that you know your 7 digit University Number (printed at the top of your offer email).
Please see the card collection page for more details.
For full and part-time students starting at other times during the year: once you have enrolled and submitted your photo online, your Warwick ID card will be available from the reception at the Student Information Centre, Senate House, unless a member of your course administration team has told you otherwise. The Student Information Centre is located on central campus - the opening hours are available on their website.
All international students must complete Course Registration by the start date in their offer letter or the latest start date stipulated in their CAS (whichever is later) and collect their Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).
To fully complete your enrolment at the University of Warwick, you must also attend an in-person right to study check event where you must bring all the relevant documents with you.
For more information on what you need to bring, please see https://warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/ourservices/enrolment/immigrationevents/
If you are enrolling based on evidence for submitted an in-time visa application then the relevant evidence would need to be assessed by and International Student Adviser.
For more detailed information, please follow this link: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/ourservices/enrolment/faqs/immigration/
If you do not expect to visit campus as part of your course you will not normally be issued with a Warwick ID card.
Visit our Arriving on Campus contact form and submit your query and a member of the enrolment team will be in touch shortly. We aim to answer queries within three working days.
Right to Study
Find out about our in-person right to study check events and supporting information. Right to study support.