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5 ways to keep your team feeling motivated and inspired

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Having a motivated and inspired team not only ensures they perform at their best, but also helps to create an environment that drives success across the business. As a business leader, it's your responsibility to prioritise creating a culture where your team members feel motivated and inspired to give their best to the business.

By embracing the following 5 strategies, you can unlock your team’s full capabilities and ensure remarkable results.

1. Provide opportunities for growth

To keep your team feeling motivated and inspired within their role, make sure you provide your team with opportunities for career growth.

This could include arranging trips to training venues for team development initiatives, as well as providing opportunities for team members to take on new projects and responsibilities.

58% of employees say professional development contributes to their job satisfaction , and 94% said that they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career. This means that by failing to address any professional development needs, you risk leaving your team feeling demotivated and uninspired.

When team members have access to growth opportunities, they are more engaged and satisfied in their roles. This sense of satisfaction can translate into increased productivity, loyalty, and a stronger commitment to your organisation’s objectives.

By providing your team with growth opportunities, you could also begin to develop a learning culture within the workplace. This will not only benefit team members and help them to feel motivated and inspired within their role but also benefit the business as your team becomes more experienced.

2. Encourage creativity

One of the most important ways to keep team motivation high is to encourage and promote creative thinking in the workplace.

This involves creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas no matter how unconventional they seem, and a shared willingness to explore them.

One way to encourage creative thinking is to hold regular idea sharing sessions where team members are encouraged to share their thoughts on unique ways to improve the organisation. This can help to generate new ideas and creates a sense of collaboration and unity among team members, helping people to feel more motivated about their work.

Another way to encourage creative thinking is to invite team members to work in creative spaces , which are working environments specifically designed to help creative ideas flourish. By having your team work in diverse and creative environments for ideas, you can inspire fresh perspectives and encourage your team to think creatively and critically.

3. Keep positive

One of the most important steps in how to motivate a team is by creating a positive working atmosphere. It is essential that you to set the tone by demonstrating optimism, enthusiasm, and a solutions-oriented mindset.

Negativity can quickly spread from person to person and affect everyone in the organisation. If left unaddressed, they can decrease work performance by up to 30% .

In contrast, 90% of employees say that they are more productive when surrounded by positive people and are more engaged at work than those in negative environments, so be sure to keep positive to keep your team motivated. Encourage open communication, active listening, and collaboration amongst your team members.

By creating a positive and welcoming culture, you will see an improvement in team morale, helping team motivation, and inspire them to be more creative and think outside the box.

4. Nurture working relationships

Positive working relationships are crucial. In fact, it was revealed that providing employees with ample time for socialising with their colleagues resulted in a 20% increase in organisations’ overall efficiency, as well as an over 50% improvement in communication patterns, and a 10% boost in employee satisfaction.

To help achieve this, consider taking the team on away days, or team-building weekend events , which are known to significantly enhance team dynamics and overall performance.

Stepping out of the office environment and into a new setting provides an opportunity for bonding, improved communication, and strengthened relationships.

Away days also allow team members to engage in activities that promote trust, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. These experiences not only break the repetitiveness of the daily work routine but also create a sense of unity among team members.

5. Celebrate success

Recognising and celebrating achievements, both big and small, is a symbol of great leadership and will help with both team motivation and inspiration.

It is found that 37% of employees feel encouraged to do better work if they received personal recognition and people who feel recognised at work are more likely to bring new ideas and innovation forward. Furthermore, 52% of employees view a culture that encourages feedback , goal setting and learning as one of the top reasons they want to stay within their current job.

These statistics highlight the importance of a celebrating successes and creating a culture of appreciation and acknowledgement. Recognising the individual and collective accomplishments of your team can boost morale, motivate the team, and reinforce a sense of pride in their work – inspiring them to do their best.

Looking for assistance on how to motivate a team? Get in touch at or call us on +44 (0)24 7652 3222 and arrange an informal conversation on ways we can help support you.

Gail Tomlinson-ShortGail Tomlinson-Short

Gail has over 20 years of experience within the events services industry at Warwick Conferences, developing strong business relationships through a consultative sales approach. Primarily specialising in the automotive, construction, logistics and manufacturing sectors.

Gail dot Tomlinson-Short at warwick dot ac dot uk

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