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Community Values Education Programme (CVEP)

Community Values Education Programme (CVEP)

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The Community Values Education Programme (CVEP) is a central initiative dedicated to cultivating a secure and inclusive environment for Warwick's student community. CVEP supports UG and PGT students to uphold Warwick Values through the Active Bystander method, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to safely address unacceptable behaviours. Register for an Active Bystander course.

PGRs are invited to engage with the PGRs in the Teaching Space workshop. Workshops for this academic year are complete. New workshops will be advertised next academic year (2024/25).

Active Bystander course

UG and PGT students are invited to register for an Active Bystander intervention course in Term 3. The course is 10 hours over 5 sessions. Participants are eligible for two Warwick AwardLink opens in a new window points."The course was well-delivered and highly enjoyable."

'Maskulinities' workshop

Male students who participate in a Warwick sports club are invited to attend a workshop exploring masculinity. The workshop was developed with other Warwick students and has received positive feedback. The workshop is three hours.

Register here.

This project is delivered in partnership with the Students' UnionLink opens in a new window and Report and SupportLink opens in a new window.

News and events

Warwick Welcome Ambassador training

We delivered training around activities and initiatives which focus on Warwick Values to Warwick Welcome Ambassadors on January 20th. The training supported the Ambassadors to address prospective students' questions about values and feel more confident in addressing questions about addressing unacceptable behaviours.

"1 in 7 men" talk

CVEP hosted a talk focusing on the 1 in 7 men who are victims of domestic abuse. Through personal narratives and expert insights, we seek to raise awareness and promote a society where all survivors find the support they deserve.

Students - take the Safer @ Warwick survey

The Safer @ Warwick survey is a joint University and Students' Union (SU) project. Student feedback is extremely valuable and your responses will play a crucial role in helping the university to understand and address any potential issues around night-time safety on campus and getting home safely. Survey now closed.