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Black History Month

Black History Month


To promote and celebrate Black history, we've created a list of blogs, videos, books, podcasts, resources, and events that we hope will get you thinking, help you learn more, and start conversations.

Almost all of the items listed below are freely available online or from Warwick’s library (where this is not the case, this has been indicated).

Even when it's no longer Black History Month, it’s important to remember that Black history shouldn’t just be celebrated for only one month of the year, which is why we have this information available all year round.

Please find below all of the content we have collated, so you can read/watch/listen to the materials in October and beyond.


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This page is designed to provide a starting point for members of the Warwick community who want to begin to explore and learn more about refugee issues. If there is something you'd like added to this list of resources, let us know -