Recent Changes to the University Calendar
Revisions to the Standing Orders of the Assembly
Revisions to the Standing Orders of the Assembly were last approved through an online vote by Assembly members which took place from Monday, 2 November to Friday, 6 November 2020. Changes took effect from Monday, 9 November 2020.
Revisions to the Standing Orders of the Council
Revisions to the Standing Orders of the Council were last approved at the meeting of the Council held on 20 May 2020, with changes taking immediate effect.
Rationale: To bring them up to date to ensure emergency Council meetings can be called as appropriate.
Update to the Scheme of Delegation
Section 4.10 was updated in relation to delegations in place for award approvals. Section 5.7 was updated to reflect the changes to the terms of reference of the Financial Plan Sub-Committee, approved by the Finance and General Purposes Committee in November 2019.
Scheme of Delegation
On 9 October 2019, the Council approved the introduction of a Scheme of Delegation, outlining responsibilities and delegated authorities for making key decisions in the name of, or on behalf of, the University of Warwick.
Amendments to the Standing Orders of the Assembly
At its meeting held on 11 February 2014, the Assembly resolved that the proposed amendments to the Standing Orders of the Assembly be approved so as to remove the use of gendered language and to update the wording to reflect changes to role titles and the use of web-based communications.