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Constitutions of University Centres and Institutes 1

Note: University Centres and Institutes are established in accordance with Senate minute 79/84-85. Centres located within academic departments are reviewed within the University’s Quinquennial Departmental Review process. Independent Centres and Institutes are reviewed separately on a five year cycle determined by the Academic Quality and Standards Committee.

Centre for Advanced MaterialsCentre for Applied Linguistics | Centre for Caribbean Studies | Centre for Comparative Labour Studies | Centre for Criminal Justice | Centre for Cultural Policy Studies | Centre for Education and Industry | Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research | Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs | Centre for the History of Medicine | Centre for Management Under Regulation

Centre for Advanced Materials

Director: Dr D. Holland

  1. Aims of the Centre

    The aims of the Centre are:
    1. To provide a focus for the application of and research into advanced materials technology.
    2. To foster links with industry and industrially-oriented concerns with regard to research applications.
    3. To establish close working relationships with academic staff in other departments or centres of the University who are working in related fields.
    4. To attract graduate students and visitors to the Centre to enhance its research programme.
  2. Composition

    The membership of the Centre shall consist of:
    1. Those members of the Department of Physics who are involved in projects forming part of the programme of the Centre.
    2. Other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the Centre's programme.
    3. Research staff of the Centre.
    4. Such visiting fellows and associate fellows as the University may from time to time appoint upon the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
  3. The Director

    There shall be a Director of the Centre, who shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.
  4. Executive Committee

    1. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Centre which shall have responsibility for advising the Director with regard to the administration and activities of the Centre.
    2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
      1. the Director (as Chair);
      2. two members of the Centre;
      3. the Chair of the Department of Physics;
      4. one other member elected annually.
    3. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as necessary, normally at least three times a year.

Centre for Applied Linguistics

Director: Dr H. Spencer-Oatey, BA, Med, PhD

  1. Aims of the Centre

    The Centre for Centre for Applied Linguistics shall provide English Language Courses for overseas students and for other overseas groups placed here by institutions such as the British Council. In addition, short courses for teachers of English as a foreign language shall be offered.
  2. Composition

    The membership of the Centre shall consist of a Chair appointed from among the senior members of academic staff and two further full-time members of staff appointed as Joint Directors.
  3. Constitution

    1. The day-to-day running of the Centre shall be under the control of the Joint Directors in consultation with the Registrar and the Director of the Language Centre.
    2. The Centre shall report annually to the Senate through the Faculty Boards and the Languages Committee.
    Constitution is currently under review

Centre for Caribbean Studies

Director: Professor D. Dabydeen FRSL, BA, MA, PhD

  1. Aims of the Centre

    1. The aims of the Centre are to serve as a national focus for individuals and organisations with an interest in and concern for the Caribbean, through the following:
      1. the organisation of symposia, conferences and day schools to stimulate study and research;
      2. the promotion of comparative and interdisciplinary research on the Caribbean, circum Caribbean and the diasporas;
      3. the establishment of close working relationships with academic staff in other departments or centres of the University who are working in related fields;
      4. contribution to the teaching programme of the University;
      5. a Visiting Fellows programme to attract visitors to the University;
      6. co-operation with staff at other institutions in the UK and abroad.
    2. The Centre shall disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible and shall maintain close links with those in government, industry, education and other bodies concerned with problems of policy and analysis which fall within the Centre's fields of study and research.
  2. Membership

    The members of the Centre shall consist of academic staff teaching Caribbean and related courses, associate and visiting fellows of the Centre and such other persons as may from time to time be approved by the Management Committee of the Centre's Advisory Board.
  3. The Director

    1. The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Arts for a period of three years.
    2. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Board for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
  4. Management Committee

    1. There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
      1. the Director of the Centre;
      2. members of the academic staff of the University involved in, or associated with, the work of the Centre;
      3. the visiting and associate fellows of the Centre.
    2. The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Centre.
    3. The Management Committee shall meet as necessary.
  5. Advisory Board

    1. There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre consisting of:
      1. the Chair;
      2. the Director of the Centre;
      3. three members of the Management Committee;
      4. such other persons qualified by their professions, accomplishments or interests to advance the work of the Centre, as may be appointed from time to time. External members shall serve for three years, and appointments may be renewable.
    2. The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be to advise the Senate through the Board of the Faculty of Arts on matters of strategic planning and development, and other issues of major importance to the Centre. It shall receive the Chair's annual report to Senate.
    3. The Advisory Board shall normally meet once a year.

Centre for Comparative Labour Studies

Director: Dr T. Elger, BA, PhD

  1. Aims of the Centre

    1. To provide a focus for inter-disciplinary research in comparative labour studies through the following:
      1. the organisation of symposia, conferences, day schools and seminar series to stimulate study and research;
      2. the encouragement of the inter-disciplinary collaboration of staff in various departments and centres of the University working in the area of comparative labour studies;
      3. the encouragement of the development of inter-disciplinary research projects in the area of comparative labour studies;
      4. consultation about research plans and the possibility of joint initiatives with existing centres, some of which (e.g. IRRU) already have expertise and experience in related and complementary areas of research;
      5. contribution to the teaching programme of the University in collaboration with the relevant department or departments;
      6. the encouragement of co-operation with researchers at other institutions in the UK and abroad.
    2. To disseminate research findings through a programme of publications.
  2. Membership

    The members of the Centre shall include:
    1. Those members of the Department of Sociology who are involved in projects forming part of the programme of the Centre;
    2. Those members of IRRU and other Departments, Centres and Institutes who are involved in projects forming part of the programme of the Centre;
    3. Other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the Centre's programme;
    4. Such visiting fellows and associate fellows and such other scholars as the University may from time to time appoint upon the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
  3. The Director

    1. The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies.
    2. The Director shall be responsible to the Management Committee for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
    3. There may be Programme Directors appointed annually by the Management Committee, responsible to the Director for the conduct of particular programmes within the Centre.
  4. Management Committee

    1. There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
      1. the Director of the Centre (as Chair);
      2. the Programme Directors;
      3. five members of the Centre, including at least one from IRRU, appointed annually by and from the membership of the Centre;
      4. up to three others co-opted from the membership of the Centre.
    2. The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, to encourage the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds, and all other matters relevant to the Centre. Account shall be taken of the expertise, interests and concerns of other centres and departments of the University.
    3. The Management Committee shall meet as necessary.

The primary responsibility under the Senate for the Centre shall be that of the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies.

Centre for Criminal Justice 

Director: To be appointed
  1. The Centre for Criminal Justice is established under the aegis of the Legal Research Institute (LRI), an established University Research Centre within the School of Law, and for the purposes of reporting to the University (under Strategic Departmental Review and otherwise) will be treated as a sub-unit of the LRI.  It will also report periodically (at least every two years) to the LRI Management Committee and, through it, to the School of Law.

  2. Membership

    1. Members of academic staff (including research staff) within the School of Law who are, from time to time, engaged in teaching and/or research on criminal law and criminal justice and related subjects;
    2. Postgraduate research students registered in the School of Law who are undertaking research within the fields of criminal law and criminal justice;
    3. Postgraduate students registered on the LLM in International and Comparative Criminal Justice;
    4. Students registered on LLB degree programmes who are undertaking advance study, through individual research projects, on aspects of criminal law and criminal justice.
  • Associate membership

    Associate membership of the Centre for Criminal Justice will be accorded by the Management Group to academic staff (including research staff) elsewhere in the University of Warwick, in other institutions of higher education or independent research institutions, or legal and/or criminal justice practitioners, who become engaged in joint research projects or other activities of the Centre, for the duration of such engagements.

  • The Director

    A Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice will be appointed, for a term not exceeding three years, by the Head of the School of Law.  Normally, no one person will be eligible to serve as Director for more than two consecutive terms.

  • Management Group

    A Management Group will be appointed by the Head of the School of Law to oversee the work of the Centre and to approve periodic reports on its activities to the LRI and, through it, to the School of Law and the University.  The Management Group will consist of:

    The Head of Department of the School of Law (ex officio)
    The Director of the Legal Research Institute (ex officio)
    The Director of the Centre
    Four representative of the academic staff who are members of the Centre
    One postgraduate student member of the Centre

  • Activities of the Centre

    The Centre for Criminal Justice will be empowered, subject to academic and/or budgetary approval of the School of Law and the University, to undertake the following activities:

    1. the organisation and conduct of meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences within the fields of criminal law and criminal justice;
    2. providing advice and assistance on publications, including undertaking various forms of  publishing in its own right or in association with other publishers, within the fields of criminal law and criminal justice;
    3. providing advice and assistance on, and the organisation and conduct of, teaching and professional development in the fields of criminal law and   criminal justice;
    4. providing advice and assistance on, and the organisation and conduct of,  research on criminal law and criminal justice;
    5. providing advice and assistance on seeking funding to support any of the above activities, including where appropriate the drafting of and associating the Centre with such funding applications;
    6. any other activities of an academic nature which may be agreed by the School of Law and the University;
    7. supervision of internal budgets and allocation of any funds devolved by the School, other parts of the University or other sources for the furtherance of its activities.

Centre for Cultural Policy Studies

Director: Professor O. Bennett, BA

  1. Aims of the Centre

    The aims, principal activities and functions of the Centre shall be:
    1. To advance research and learning in the interdisciplinary study of cultural policy;
    2. To act as focus for such research and learning at an international level;
    3. To promote cultural policy studies through doctoral research, taught Master's programmes and short courses;
    4. To promote the production of scholarly works by members of staff and graduate students in the Centre;
    5. To form research partnerships and collaborations with other agencies in order to pursue research objectives of mutual interest;
    6. To undertake research contracts, consultancies and commissions;
    7. To organise symposia, conferences and seminars;
    8. To publish and disseminate the results of the Centre's research, through academic books, journals, published conference proceedings and the Centre's own series of working papers.
  2. Membership

    The membership of the Centre shall comprise:
    1. The Director;
    2. Any academic and research staff engaged in research or teaching within the Centre;
    3. Visiting and associate fellows engaged in research or teaching within the Centre.
  3. The Director

    1. The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Arts on the recommendation of the Chair of the School of Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies.
    2. The Director shall be responsible to the Chair of the School of Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies [through the Advisory Board] for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
    3. The Director shall be appointed for a period of three years.
  4. Management Committee

    1. There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
      1. the Director of the Centre, ex officio;
      2. up to ten members of the staff of the University involved in, or associated with, the work of the Centre;
      3. the visiting and associate fellows of the Centre;
    2. The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Centre;
    3. The Management Committee shall meet as necessary.
  5. Advisory Board

    1. There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre consisting of:
      1. the Chair, to be elected by the Advisory Board from among its external members;
      2. the Director of the Centre, ex officio;
      3. three members of the Management Committee;
      4. up to five such other persons, external to the University, qualified by their professions, accomplishments or interests to advance the work of the Centre, as may be appointed from time to time by the Senate on the recommendation of the Director;
    2. Both external and internal members shall serve for three years, and their appointments may be renewable;
    3. The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be to advise the Senate on all matters relating to the Centre's activities;
    4. The Advisory Board shall meet at least once during a four year period.

Centre for Education and Industry

Executive Director: Professor P. Huddleston, BA, MEd, PGCE, ALAM

  1. Aims of the Centre

    The aims of the Centre shall be:
    1. To serve as a national focus for collaborative research and development and teaching projects within the fields of education and industry.
    2. To encourage and conduct research and development in any aspects of education and its relationships with industry.
    3. To encourage and assist in the teaching of subjects in the fields of education and industry to students taking initial and in-service teacher education courses.
    4. To undertake managerial, administrative and promotional activities in furtherance of the above aims.
  2. The Director of the Centre

    There shall be an Executive Director of the Centre, who shall be a member of the Institute of Education, ex officio. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.

    The Executive Director shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for the planning and direction of the work and for the management of the Centre.

    A Deputy Director (if appointed) shall also be a member of the Institute of Education, ex officio.

  3. The Executive Committee

    There shall be an Executive Committee of the Centre, which shall include the Executive Director. The Executive Committee shall be appointed annually, and shall have the power to co-opt other (non-voting) members.

    The terms of reference of the Executive Committee shall be to promote the work of the Centre, and to undertake the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of any discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Centre.

    The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary, as determined by its Chair.

Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research

Director: Professor G. Lindsay, BSc, MEd, PhD, PGCE, FBPsS, FRSA, AcSS

  1. Aims of the Centre

    The aims of the Centre shall be
    1. Appraisal: to engage in research into and the development of appraisal schemes used by teachers, advisers and inspectors in schools, colleges and local authorities. As well as developing appraisal instruments, Centre staff will also engage in basic research on educational appraisal and the contexts in which it occurs.
    2. Evaluation: to undertake evaluations of new educational initiatives developed by government, schools or other bodies. In conducting its own evaluations, the Centre will consider questions of appropriateness among the alternative available models, monitor the use of particular development strategies, and appraise the varying styles of dissemination viewed from the information needs of different audiences. The Centre will examine critically a range of evaluation styles, strategies, roles, models and methodologies. The Centre will offer technical assistance to outside groups involved in evaluation and self-evaluation research.
    3. Assessment: to carry out research on the nature and role of examinations, profiles, records and tests in teaching and learning.
    4. Methodology: to develop methodologies appropriate to the study of appraisal, assessment and evaluation in diverse educational settings. Particular attention will be given to the development of ‘combined method’ approaches to evaluation comprising both qualitative and quantitative methods for the comprehensive examination of complex systems and initiatives. The Centre will undertake descriptive and analytical case studies, historical materials, the use of survey data and the analysis of large datasets. Centre staff will concern themselves with data collection, analysis, interpretation, judgement and reportage, as well as the possibilities offered by the re-analysis of data sets, local and national, already in existence.
    5. Research: to engage in basic and 'applied' educational research. As well as focused research studies of particular institutions, activities and events, there will also be more general accounts of issues in curriculum development and contributions towards the analysis of planned change in educational settings. All activities of the Centre will involve the development of links between researchers, evaluators and practitioners from all parts of the education service, with the intention of facilitating and strengthening links between research, policy and practice. Thus the work of the Centre will provide a major opportunity to bring together in-service education, development, appraisal, evaluation and research to mutual advantage.
  2. The Director of the Centre

    There shall be a Director of the Centre who shall be a member of the Institute of Education, ex officio. The Director shall be appointed by the Senate on a recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies. The period of office shall be three years, the appointment being renewable.

    The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Board for the planning and direction of the work and for the management of the Centre.

    A Deputy Director (if appointed) shall also be a member of the Institute of Education, ex officio.

  3. Membership

    The membership of the Centre shall comprise all members of academic and research staff and all members of project teams currently contributing to the work of the Centre. Meetings of the Centre shall be held at least once per term.
  4. Advisory Board

    1. There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre with the following terms of reference:
      1. to maintain a broad oversight of the work of the Centre;
      2. to consider the progress, balance and utility of the work undertaken by the Centre and to advise the Director accordingly;
      3. to consider, for onward submission to the Senate an Annual Report from the Director of the Centre, incorporating a statement of the funds and accounts of the Centre;
      4. to advise on applications for funds for the Centre to bodies outside the University;
      5. to advise the Senate through the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies of the progress of the work of the Centre.
    2. The Advisory Board shall normally meet at least once a year.
    3. The membership of the Advisory Board shall be as follows:
      1. Chair of the Board;
      2. the Director of the Centre, ex officio;
      3. one other member of the Centre, elected by and from the membership of the Centre;
      4. the Director of the Institute of Education, ex officio;
      5. the Chair of the Institute of Education, ex officio;
      6. the Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies, ex officio;
      7. two members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Social Studies, appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies;
      8. eight members external to the University, appropriately qualified, appointed by the Senate on the nomination of the Director of the Centre;
      9. three further academic members appointed by the Senate on the nomination of the Director.

Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs

Director: Dr M. Clayton

  1. Aims of the Centre

    1. To enhance the University’s prominence as a centre for research into the relationship between ethics, law, and public affairs; for example, via the organisation of conferences, seminar series, and symposia, and a dedicated website.
    2. To facilitate research in normative theory as practised in Anglo-American moral, legal, and political philosophy by:  
i.         Encouraging and coordinating the activities of researchers with interests in normative inquiry into public affairs, and by supporting bids for funding to establish networks of researchers, run workshops and conferences, and conduct collaborative research projects. 

ii.       Promoting graduate research in this area by hosting graduate conferences, and running seminar programmes and symposia involving graduate students, and by encouraging student participation in the Centre’s other activities.

iii.      Attracting and supporting post-doctoral researchers with interests in ethics, and political and legal philosophy in the Anglo-American tradition.

iv.     Hosting Visiting Fellows interested in contributing to, and promoting, the work of the Centre.

    3.   To foster links with other University centres and external organisations, public bodies and think-tanks, to promote an understanding of ethics and political morality and their application to issues of public policy.

    2. Membership

      The membership of the Centre shall consist of academic members of staff and research students who have interests that are congruent with the aims of the Centre, and other individuals, including Visiting Fellows, who may be approved by the Centre’s Management Committee.

      3. The Director of the Centre

         a.      The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Politics and International Studies.

         b.      The Director shall be appointed for a term of normally three years, the appointment being renewable.

          The Director shall consult with the Management Committee over the Centre’s strategy and shall be responsible for its implementation.


        Centre for Global History and Culture

        Director: Professor M.Berg, BA, MA, DPHIL

        (1) Aims of the Centre

        (a) To advance research and learning in global approaches to history and culture.
        (b) To provide a focus for the interdisciplinary study of global history and culture at an international level, through the following:

        (i) by encouraging the development of research projects and research funding in the field of the Global History and Culture.

        (ii) by advancing research and learning in Global History and Culture in the University and in the wider academic community through symposia, conferences, day schools and seminar series.
        (iii) by promoting connections and contacts between staff in the Centre and those in other departments and Centres of the University.

        (iv) by attracting honorary visiting fellows, postgraduate exchanges and postdoctoral fellows.

        (c) To place the study of global history and culture in a wider international academic community by:

        (i) fostering research-interchange programmes with research groups and centres in the field in other parts of Europe, in North America and Asia, as well as other parts of the world where such research centres or groups may now exist or emerge.

        forming networks with other groups and centres in museums, galleries, libraries and other centres for research in global history and culture outside the University sector.

        (d) To facilitate the dissemination of research findings by staff, students and visiting speakers through publication and other means.

        (e) To encourage graduate research in Global History and in wider world approaches to History and Culture in the University.

        (2) Membership

        The membership of the Centre shall be open to academic and research staff in the University teaching and researching in the field of Global History and Culture, and to other scholars associated with the work of the Centre.

        (3) The Director

        (a) The Director shall be appointed by the Faculty of Arts on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of History.(b) The Director shall be responsible to the Head of the Department of History for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre’s affairs, and for the use of discretionary funds where these may be allocated to the Centre.(c) The Director shall be appointed for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.  An Acting Director shall be selected and appointed in discussion with the Head of Department and the Management Committee during periods of the Director’s study leave.

        (4) Management Committee

        (a) There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
        (i) the Director of the Centre as Chair

        (ii) the Head of the Department of History

        (iii) a member of the Faculty of Arts nominated by the Chair of the Faculty of Arts

        (iv) up to three members of the academic staff of the University involved in, or associated with, the work of the Centre.

        (v) where appropriate, associate and honorary fellows of the Centre

        (c) The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Centre.

        The Management Committee shall meet as necessary.

        Centre for the History of Medicine

        Director: Dr H Marland, BA, PhD
        1. Establishment of the Centre

          The Centre for the History of Medicine was established in 1999 to co-ordinate activities in the history of medicine within the University. the Centre's remit at the time was straightforward, its aims modest: to build upon and further develop existing activities. Since then, the Centre has grown substantially and increasingly become a key area for the History Department with regard to the Research Assessment Exercise. It therefore has become necessary for the Centre to have a mission statement that reflects its varied objectives.
        2. Aims of the Centre

          The Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Warwick is an active group of scholars teaching and researching in the history of medicine. As a group, the Centre aims:
          1. To attract scholars of the highest standing to contribute to and participate in the Centre's programmes and provide them with a stimulating and supportive environment in which to develop professionally;
          2. To raise further the profile of the Centre and its activities both within the University and across the history of medicine communities in the UK and abroad;
          3. To engage the local community and the public at large with the history of medicine as a discipline relevant to contemporary concerns, and to do so in creative and innovative ways;
          4. To conduct teaching and research in the history of medicine of the highest calibre and particularly to address issues that are significant to vital or emerging debates within the discipline.
        3. Membership

          1. All teaching staff currently attached to the Centre. Normally to include full-time and part-time, temporary and permanent teaching staff within the History Department who identify themselves as historians of medicine.
          2. All contract research staff currently attached to the Centre for the duration of their contracts;
          3. Students in the history of medicine. To include all MA and PhD students, full and part-time;
          4. Other co-opted members. 
        4. The Director

          1. To be nominated by the academic staff attached to the Centre and approved by the Advisory Board. The term of office shall be five years, renewable at the Advisory Board's discretion.
            (The constitution of the Centre is currently under review.)
        5. Advisory Board

          The Advisory Board shall advise on all matters relevant to the Centre's work, including academic and research programmes, conferences and publications, the appointment of Associate Members and Honorary Fellows of the Centre, and external funding issues. The Advisory Board shall consider the Annual Report from the Director on the activities of the Centre.

          The Advisory Board shall comprise all Members of the Centre from catagories i-iii, as above, and the following:
          1. Student Representatives

            To include at least one PhD student and one MA students, with a maximum of four, appointed on the recomendation of the Director and with the approval of the Board for a period of one year (renewable at the discretion of the Board).
          2. Members of the History Department

            To include the Chair of the History department, or a suitable nominee, and one other representative appointed on the recommendation of the Director and with the approval of the Board, for a duration of two years (renewable at the discretion of the Board).
          3. Members of other departments within the University

            With a maximum of four: appointed on the recommendation of the Director and with the approval of the Board, for a period of two years (renewable at the discretion of the Board).The Administrator of the Centre shall act as Secretary, and the Advisory Board would normally require external members to be quorate.
            Other Members
            From time to time the Centre shall invite individuals to be associated with the Centre in one of the following capacities; these individuals shall be considered Members of both the Centre and the Advisory Board for the duration of their appointment.
            Associate Members
            Those individuals from UK institutions invited to participate in Centre activities on an informal but ongoing basis shall be designated Associate Members. Associate Members shall be kept apprised of Centre activities, so as to be able to contribute actively to fulfilling the Centre's Mission Statement. Associate Members shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Director and with the approval of the Board, for a period of two years (renewable at the discretion of the Board).
            Honorary Fellows
            Those individuals of international reputation in the History of Medicine invited to participate in Centre activities on an informal but ongoing basis shall be designated Honorary Fellows. Honorary Fellows shall be kept apprised of Centre activities, so as to be able to actively contribute to fulfilling the Centre's Mission Statement. On occasion, Honorary Fellows may also be consulted on matters of policy, asked to review funding applications, and other such activities in support of Centre objectives. Honorary Fellows shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Director and with the approval of the Board, for a period of four years (renewable at the discretion of the Board).

        Centre for Management Under Regulation

        Director: Professor M. Cave, BA, BPhil, DPhil
        1. Aims of the Centre

          1. To provide a national focus for research into management under regulation and its applications by:
            1. encouraging and conducting theoretical and empirical research into management under regulation;
            2. supporting postgraduate and postdoctoral research programmes;
            3. attracting visiting and associate fellows interested in promoting the work of the Centre;
            4. promoting conferences, workshops and seminars on Management under Regulation and disseminating research results as widely as possible.
            5. undertaking research into sustainable waste management practices.
          2. to foster close links with newly privatised industries and others concerned with the development of management under regulation;
          3. to collaborate in the training of managers and others concerned with management under regulation;
          4. to assist other organisations to benefit from the work of the Centre.
        2. Establishment of the Centre

          The Centre for Management under Regulation has been established by the Senate within the Warwick Business School.
        3. Membership

          1. The Membership of the Centre shall consist of the academic staff of the Centre, research students under their supervision, other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the Centre's programme, associate and visiting fellows, and such other persons as may from time to time be approved by the Management Committee of the Centre.
          2. Corporate Members shall consist of organisations which are signatories of the Corporate Membership Agreement.
        4. The Director

          There shall be a Director of the Centre who shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Warwick Business School, initially for a period of five years, the appointment being renewable. The Director shall be responsible to the Management Committee for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre's affairs.
        5. Management Committee

          There shall be a Management Committee consisting of:

          Ex officio members:

          1. The Dean of the Warwick Business School;
          2. The Director of the Centre.

          Appointed Members:

          1. A representative of each Corporate Member of the Centre, who shall be nominated by that Corporate Member;
          2. Two members of the Centre's academic staff;
          3. Up to four members of the academic staff of Warwick Business School, who shall be nominated by Warwick Business School;
          4. Two other members of the academic staff of the University, appointed by Senate, for terms normally of three years;
          5. Up to five appropriately qualified members external to the University appointed by the University on the recommendation of Warwick Business School in consultation with the Director of the Centre for terms normally of three years, the appointments being renewable.
          6. Terms of Reference of the Management Committee.
        6. The Management Committee shall normally meet at least once a year. Its terms of reference are:

          1. To establish general guidelines for the activities and funding of the Centre;
          2. To advise on the research programme, operations and development of the Centre;
          3. To advise and assist in the securing of funding necessary to support the activities of the Centre;
          4. To receive an Annual Report from the Director on the activities of the Centre;
          5. To advise the Senate on the Annual Report from the Director on the activities of the Centre;
          6. To maintain a broad oversight of the work of the Centre;
          7. To determine the annual subscription of the Corporate Members.
          Members of the Management Committee will be encouraged to participate and assist in the activities of the Centre.
          The Management Committee shall have a quorum of five.
        7. Committee Procedure

          Every matter to be determined by the Management Committee shall be determined by the majority of members present and voting. In the case of equality of votes the Chair or other presiding officer shall have a casting vote.
        8. Funding

          1. The Director shall supervise the funds of the Centre within the terms laid down by the Management Committee, except that grants made to specific members of the Centre shall be the responsibility of those members, who shall keep the Director informed.
          2. The Director shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Centre.
          3. The Management Committee shall be informed in the Director's Annual Report about the funds and accounts of the Centre.
          4. The Centre is subject to the University's Charter, Statutes and Financial Regulations, and in accordance with them, the Centre shall not distribute profits and shall apply all of its income to the furtherance of its aims set out above.
          5. Nothing in this Constitution abrogates the overall responsibilities of the University Finance Officer.
        9. Advisory Committee

          There shall be an Advisory Committee of the Centre consisting of:
          1. Chair of the Committee;
          2. Dean of the Warwick Business School, ex officio;
          3. The Director of the Centre, ex officio, appointed by the Senate;
          4. A representative of each corporate member of the Centre, who shall be nominated by that corporate member;
          5. Two members of the academic staff of the Centre;
          6. Up to four members of the academic staff of Warwick Business School, who shall be nominated by Warwick Business School;
          7. Two other members of the academic staff of the University, appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years;
          8. Up to five appropriately qualified members external to the University appointed by the University on the recommendation of Warwick Business School in consultation with the Director of the Centre for terms normally of three years, the appointments being renewable.