Procedure for Appointment of Successors to the First Vice-Chancellor
(1) On notice of a vacancy in the Vice-Chancellorship the Council shall invite the Senate to join with it in establishing a joint committee of the two bodies to consider the position and to recommend an appointment to fill the vacancy.
(2) The joint committee shall comprise the Pro-Chancellor, who shall be the Chair of the Committee, three lay members of the Council appointed by the Council, three members of academic staff appointed by the Senate, one non-academic member of staff appointed by the Council and one registered student of the University appointed by the Senate.
(3) In making appointments to the joint committee, the Council and the Senate respectively shall aim to reflect diversity of experience and expertise within the University and the wider community.
(4) The appointees of the Senate to the joint committee shall not normally include more than one appointee from each of the following categories of post holders:
(i) the serving Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Pro-Vice-Chancellors
(ii) the serving Chairs of the Boards of Faculties or serving Heads of academic Departments.
(5) The joint committee shall submit its recommendations in the first instance to a joint meeting of the Council and the Senate especially convened for the purpose.
(6) If the recommendations are approved by the joint meeting they shall be submitted to a meeting of the Council called under Statute 5(2).