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Admission to the University

Admission to the University

6.1 Regulations Regarding the Conditions for Admission to the University

Degrees of BA, BEd, BEng, BPhil(Ed), BSc, LLB, MB ChB, MORSE, MChem, MEng, MMath, MMathStat, MPhys and MMORSE

(1) To qualify for admission to a course leading to the degree of BA, BEd, BEng, BPhil(Ed), BSc, LLB, MB ChB, MORSE, MChem, MEng, MMath, MMathStat, MPhys or MMORSE a candidate must fulfil the University’s General Entrance Requirement, and where applicable, the additional course requirement, as approved by the Senate from time to time.

(2) The following shall also be eligible for selection for admission to a course leading to the degree(s) of BA, BEd, BEng, BPhil(Ed), BSc, LLB, MORSE, MChem, MEng, MMath, MMathStat, MPhys or MMORSE:

(a) Applicants who do not satisfy the requirements set out in paragraph (1) above, but whose qualifications by examination are deemed by the Senate to be equivalent to any of those listed.

(b) Applicants over twenty-one years of age on 30 September in the year of admission, who submit evidence to the satisfaction of the Senate of previous study and of the capacity necessary to pursue the programme proposed.

(c) Other applicants who do not satisfy the requirements set out in paragraph (1) above, but who exceptionally are deemed suitable by the Senate.

6.2 Regulations Governing Admission to Higher Degrees (as listed in Regulation 14 (A))

(1) A candidate for a higher degree shall normally be an Honours graduate or equivalent. A candidate must fulfil the University's General Entrance Requirements and any additional programme requirements as approved by the Senate from time to time. Other persons whose qualifications are deemed suitable by the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies acting on behalf of the Senate may be accepted as candidates for Higher Degrees. A candidate must submit satisfactory evidence of his/her ability to undertake the course proposed.

6.3 Regulations Governing Admission to Courses of Study

(1) A candidate shall not normally be admitted to more than one course of study at any one time, with the exception of candidates registered for a higher degree by research required under Regulation 14(44) [Regulations Governing Higher Degrees Provisions Applying to the Degree of PhD] or recommended by their departments to pursue an additional approved course of study, and candidates registered for Open Studies Certificates in addition to one other course of study. A request for a candidate to be admitted to more than one course of study at any one time outside of these exemptions shall be considered by the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies for postgraduate students and the Chair of the Board of Undergraduate Studies for undergraduate students.

(2) The power of the Senate laid down in Statute 20(2) to regulate the admission of persons to programmes of study shall be delegated as follows:

(a) Undergraduate Courses

(i) In the case of admission to single subject degree courses, to the Head of the appropriate Department, who may nominate a deputy or deputies to act for him/her as course selector(s).

(ii) In the case of admission to joint degree courses, jointly to the Heads of the two Departments concerned, who may each nominate a deputy to act for them as course selector; or, in cases where the degree course is administered by a Committee, to the Chair of the Committee, who may nominate a deputy or deputies to act for him/her as course selector(s). This delegation by the Senate of the power to regulate the admission of students does not apply in the case of 'end-on' joint degrees where a student is admitted to one Department and later transfers to a second. In these cases the power to regulate admission is delegated by the Senate to the Head of Department which actually admits the student or his/her nomiated deputy or deputies.

(iii) In the case of admission to non-departmentally based joint degree courses, to the Head of the appropriate School, who may nominate a deputy or deputies to act for him/her as course selector(s).

(iv) In the case of admission to the BEd, BPhil(Ed) and BA Early Childhood Studies degree courses, to the Director of the Institute of Education, who may nominate a deputy or deputies to act for him/her as course selector(s).

(v) The number of candidates accepted for admission to undergraduate degree courses for whom the General Entrance Requirement has been waived by the admitting department and approved by the Academic Registrar or his/her nominated deputy will be reported annually to the Board of Undergraduate Studies of the Senate.

(vi) In the case of admission to the degrees of MB ChB, to the Dean of the Warwick Medical School who may nominate a deputy or deputies to act for him/her as course selector(s).

(vii) In the case where a candidate is to be refused admission on the basis on non-academic grounds, to the Vice-Chancellor who shall be advised by the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study as set out in Regulation 6.3 (4) below.

(b) Postgraduate Courses

In the case of admission to all postgraduate courses of study to the Board of Graduate Studies of the Senate, the Chair of which Committee shall make decisions on the basis of submissions from the Head of the appropriate Department or School or a deputy nominated by him/her to act as selector.

(3) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses

(a) All undergraduate and postgraduate applications to the University which are to be rejected shall normally be considered by more than one member of the academic teaching or administrative staff except in cases where the academic qualifications offered by the applicant for consideration for admission do not meet the specific minimum requirements for the programme as laid down by the University and the course selector(s) responsible for the programme. In such cases, applications may be rejected by a single member of academic or administrative staff.

(b) In cases where information of a relevant non-academic nature concerning a candidate for admission to the University is such that the relevant course selector wishes to reject the applicant on these grounds, the course selector(s) shall refer the application to the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study for consideration. Such relevant information may include:

(i) activities outside of the law

(ii) anything done or said by the applicant which prima facie presents a clear and immediate danger of infraction of the law, such as violence or threat of violence to persons or serious damage of property.

This direct referral to the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study to reject a candidate does not apply for MB ChB, MA/SW, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma courses in Specialist Social Work (Adults) and Specialist Social Work (Children and Young People, their Families and Carers), and PGCE where such cases shall be referred to the relevant Fitness to Practise Committee in the first instance.

(c) All applications from candidates declaring a criminal conviction will be referred to the Committee on the Admission of Students to Courses of Study before an offer of a place can be made except for applications to the degrees of MB ChB, MA/SW, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma courses in Specialist Social Work (Adults) and Specialist Social Work (Children and Young People, their Families and Carers), and PGCE where they shall be referred to the relevant Fitness to Practise Committee in the first instance.

(d) In cases where an application contains fraudulent information, including misrepresentation of their qualifications or where a criminal conviction has not be appropriately disclosed but where evidence of such a conviction is obtained prior to the candidate's enrolment at the University, the application may be referred to the Chair of the Committee on the Admission of Students to Courses of Study to consider whether the offer of admission to the particular course at the University should be revoked. If such evidence of fraudulent information on an application of a candidate comes to light following the enrolment of that candidate, the case shall be referred to the Chair of the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study to consider whether the student should be required to withdraw from their course of study, as provided for under Regulation 13.

(e) Where an application for the degrees of MB ChB, MA/SW, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma courses in Specialist Social Work (Adults) and Specialist Social Work (Children and Young People, their Families and Carers), and PGCE raises issues relating to the fitness to practise of a candidate in the relevant profession not included in 3(b)-(d) above, the application shall be referred to the relevant Fitness to Practise Committee as set out in Regulation 34 for the Determination of Fitness to Practise (MA/SW, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma courses in Specialist Social Work (Adults) and Specialist Social Work (Children and Young People, their Families and Carers), MB ChB and PGCE) prior to any consideration by the Committee on the Admission of Students to Courses of Study.

(f) All applications for candidates with a known disability or serious health issue shall be referred to the University Senior Tutor or his/her nominee to ensure that appropriate support is given to the candidate and to consider the necessary adjustments to be made once the candidate is studying at the University. In parallel, these applications will be considered as per 6.3(2) above. The Senior Tutor or his/her nominee may refer cases to the Occupational Health Officer of the University for further consideration. The Senior Tutor or his/her nominee shall refer applications to the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study before an offer of a place is made in the following cases:-

(i) where it may not be reasonable for the University to make the necessary adjustments required for an individual candidate to be successful on their chosen degree course, or

(ii) where further consultation is required to ensure appropriate adjustments can be made.

The Senior Tutor or his/her nominee shall refer applications for the degrees of MB ChB, MA/SW, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma courses in Specialist Social Work (Adults) and Specialist Social Work (Children and Young People, their Families and Carers), and PGCE to the relevant Fitness to Practise Committee as set out in Regulation 34 where an application raises issues relating to the fitness to practise for a candidate in the relevant profession.


(a) There shall be a Committee on the Admission of Students to Courses of Study appointed on each occasion by the Vice-Chancellor from a Panel, to include a Pro Vice-Chancellor and at least two further members drawn from a Panel including up to eight members approved annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Boards (up to two panel nominees per Faculty). The Committee (or in cases referred under 3(d) above, the Chair) shall advise the Vice-Chancellor in the exercise of the delegated power given to him/her by the Senate under Statute 20(2) and Regulation 6.3(2)(a)(vii) above, to refuse or revoke admission on the basis of non-academic grounds.

(b) Candidates shall have the opportunity to access and comment on the full evidence being considered by the Committee (or in cases referred under 3(d) above, the Chair) regarding his/her case before a decision is made, unless the Committee ( or in cases referred under 3(d) above, the Chair) decides that any such evidence should not be disclosed, for example on the grounds of confidentiality or prejudice to the applicant or any third party; likewise, any written comments provided by the candidate may be made available to the respective departmental course selector for their comment.

(c) All recommendations by the Committee (or in cases referred under 3(d) above, the Chair) to reject a candidate for a particular degree course will be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor. Where a candidate holding an offer of admission to the MA Social Work, MBChB and PGCE has been referred under 3(d) above and the Chair of the Committee on Admissions of Students to Course of Study decides not to recommend that that offer of admission should be withdrawn, the matter shall be referred to the relevant Fitness to Practice Committee for further consideration under Regulation 34.

(d) If the Vice-Chancellor wishes to uphold the recommendation to reject the candidate under clause 6.3(4)(a) on the basis of non-academic grounds, the decision shall be made on behalf of Senate.

Except where it is stated in the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, candidates shall not be barred from applying to an alternative course of study at the University, and in cases where such an application occurs, the case will be re-considered by the Committee on Admissions to Courses of Study and, where appropriate, the relevant Fitness to Practise Committee.