Regulations for Higher Doctorates
(1) Candidates for these degrees must normally:
(a) be graduates of the University of Warwick; or
(b) be or have been members of staff or full-time research workers of the University of Warwick and be graduates of at least seven years’ standing of a University recognised for this purpose by the Senate.
(2) A candidate shall present a full curriculum vitae and a set of published work providing evidence of a sustained and original contribution of the highest distinction within his or her field of study. This work shall be a major contribution to the subject. Where any part of the work was done in collaboration with other persons, a statement of the extent of the contribution by such persons shall be included. The candidate shall also indicate whether or not the work or any part of it has been submitted, successfully or unsuccessfully, for a degree in this or any other University.
(3) Each application for a higher doctorate shall first be considered by the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the appropriate Faculty and the Head of the appropriate Department who shall submit a joint report to the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies advising the Committee as to whether the application is worthy, prima facie, of consideration and specifying the reasons for their recommendation. The Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies shall then determine whether the application is worthy, prima facie, of further consideration. After such approval, examiners for the application shall be appointed by Senate. There shall be at least two examiners, who are distinguished scholars within the relevant field of study, one of whom may be an internal examiner. The examiners shall submit individual reports together with a joint recommendation to the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies for onward transmission to the Senate. Where they cannot reach a joint recommendation a further external examiner shall be appointed who shall be given access to the original reports and shall make a final recommendation. For applications by members of staff of the University, all the examiners shall be external examiners.
(4) A fee of £600 must be paid and two copies of the published work submitted with the application. If the application is declared not prima facie worthy of consideration by the Board of Graduate Studies, £400 of the fee shall be returned to the candidate.
(5) One copy of the work submitted in support of a successful application shall be retained by the University.