Constitutions of University Centres and Institutes
Centre for Research in East Roman Studies
Director: Professor S.C.R. Swain, MA, DPhil
The Centre for Research in East Roman Studies has been established within the Department of Classics and Ancient History.
Aims of the Centre
- To encourage and co-ordinate research in the history, archaeology, literature, religion, economy, palaeo-ecology of the eastern, especially the Asian provinces of the Roman Empire (esp. Syria, Palestina, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Cilicia, Cappadocia) and the Balkans, as well as Rome's cultural and religious relationship with Persia and Western Central Asia.
- To provide focus to the existing research strength of the Department of Classics and Ancient History in these areas, to co-ordinate research, to organise research seminars and conferences and to co-ordinate archaeological work with institutions with similar research interests.
- To attract funding for research projects and to disseminate the results of research through a programme of publication including such means as the launch of a journal or a monograph series in the subject area.
- To strengthen existing links with the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara and the Centre of Byzantine Studies at Birmingham and Centre for Hellenic Studies at King's College London.
The membership of the Centre shall comprise:- The Director;
- Any academic and research staff engaged in research with the Centre;
- Visiting and associate fellows appointed by the University on the recommendation of the Director and the Executive Committee;
- Such other persons as may be approved by the Executive Committee.
The Director of the Centre
There shall be a Director of the Centre who shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Arts for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable. The Director shall be responsible for the planning, direction of the work and for the management of the centre.
The Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of:
- The Director, as Chair, ex officio;
- Two teaching members of the Department of Classics and Ancient History;
- The terms of reference of the Executive Committee shall be:
- To advise the director on the programme of research and other projects, and applications for funding, the allocation of the Centre's resources and all matters relevant to the work of the Centre.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times a year.
- There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of:
Centre for Research in Economic Theory and Applications (CRETA)
Director: Dr A. Carvajal
Aims and activities
The goal of CRETA is to encourage research in economic theory and its applications. For this, the aims of CRETA shall be:
- To foster and co-ordinate collaborative research in economic theory, in its applications, and in multidisciplinary projects with areas such as applied mathematics, biology, philosophy and political science;
- To create new, and to strengthen existing links with other research centres and universities with related interests
- To attract funding for individual and collaborative research projects
- To foster the dissemination of research results through visits, seminars, conferences, and through the publication of a Discussion Paper series
Members of CRETA are appointed by the Executive Committee, and faculty of the Department of Economics or other Departments of the University of Warwick with research interests in economic theory and its applications. Permanent faculty of other academic institutions can be appointed as Associate Fellows by decision of the Executive Committee. Research students and post-doctoral fellows can be appointed as Research Fellows by decision of the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
Everyday management of CRETA is responsibility of Executive Committee. In particular, the Executive Committee shall:
- Coordinate funding initiatives to be undertaken by CRETA;
- Appoint staff to the centre;
- Review the progress of research projects undertaken by the centre;
- Monitor the allocation of the funds of CRETA.
Director and Deputy Director of the Centre
The Executive Committee is chaired by the Director of CRETA, who is responsible for the planning, execution and coordination of the activities of the centre. The Director shall be the official representative of CRETA with respect to the academic authorities. The Deputy Director shall assist the Director in running CRETA, and shall deputise for the Director in his/her absence. The Director and Deputy Director shall be appointed by the Department of Economics, upon recommendation of the members of the centre, for a renewable period of three years.
Advisory Board
An Advisory Board shall advise CRETA about the long term perspectives of the centre. This Board shall be constituted by academics whose work has had significant impact on the areas of research which are of interest to CRETA. Members of the Board shall be nominated by the Executive Committee, for a renewable period of three years. Membership shall consist of:
- A Chair, who shall be external to the university;
- The Director of CRETA, ex officio
- Two members internal to the University of Warwick, but external to its Department of Economics;
- One member of the Department of Economics.
Not all members of this Board can be current members of CRETA, so as to ensure that the board can give an external assessment of the activities, performance and perspectives of CRETA.
Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations
Director: Dr D. Joly, LèsL, MèsL, PhD
Establishment of the Centre
The Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations (CRER), formerly a Unit of the Economic and Social Research Council, was reconstituted from 1984 to 1998 as a designated Research Centre with ESRC funding, within the University of Warwick. It has been a University Research Centre since then, now located within the School of Health and Social Sciences (from August 2004).
Aims of the Centre
The Centre is committed to remain at the forefront of research on ethnic relations, racism and ethnic discrimination, to promote a better knowledge and understanding of the developing processes which impact upon migration, ethnic minorities and refugees and to maintain a high profile as a national and international centre of excellence. The Centre is also committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and social justice and to challenging all forms of racism and ethnic discrimination. The Centre aims to influence the work of policy-makers, practitioners and other researchers in the fields.
The aims of the Centre are:
- To pursue high quality research on theoretical and policy-oriented themes through its multi-disciplinary research programme and collaborative research initiatives with institutions in the UK, in the rest of Europe, and with colleagues world-wide.
- To develop close collaboration with users and beneficiaries ensuring their support and involvement and meeting their needs.
- To deliver high quality teaching through its Masters' degree, PhD programme and other training courses.
- To provide a unqieu service of documentation and resources.
- To maintain a National Ethnic Minority Data Archive (NEMDA).
- To disseminate its work through publication, conferences, workshops, short courses and seminars.
The membership of the Centre shall comprise:- The Director;
- The academic staff of the Centre;
- Visiting and Associate Fellows of the Centre approved by the University on the recommendation of the Director;
- The support staff and students of the Centre;
- Such other persons as may be approved by the staff of the Centre.
The Director
The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the University. The Director shall consult the Advisory Board for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
The Advisory Board
- There shall be an Advisory Board consisting of:
- the Vice-Chancellor, or his nominee;
- the Director of the Centre, ex officio;
- the Chair of the School of Health and Social Sciences;
- members of the Centre's academic staff;
- up to five members of the academic staff of the University located outside the Centre with interests in the field, appointed by the Senate for renewable terms normally of three years;
- up to seven members external to the University, to be appointed by the Senate for terms normally of three years.
One member of the Advisory Board (from outside the Centre) will be selected to act as Chair. The Centre's secretary shall act as Secretary to the Board.
- The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be:
- to advise the University and the Director on matters of strategic planning and development and other issues of major importance to the Centre;
- to advise the University about the academic plans of the Centre and of the needs arising from those plans.
- The Advisory Board shall normally meet once a year.
- There shall be an Advisory Board consisting of:
Centre for Research into Gifted and Talented Education
(This constitution is currently under review)
Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts
Director: Professor M. Beistegui
- To serve as a focus for research into philosophy and literature through the following:
- the organisation of symposia, conferences and day schools to stimulate study and research;
- the establishment of close working relationships with academic staff in other departments or centres of the University who are working in fields relevant to the relations between philosophy, literature and the arts;
- contribution to the teaching programme of the University;
- a Visiting Fellows programme to attract visitors to the University;
- co-operation with staff at other institutions in the UK and abroad.
- The Centre shall disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible through a programme of publication.
- To serve as a focus for research into philosophy and literature through the following:
The members of the Centre shall consist of:- Those members of the Department of Philosophy who are involved in projects forming part of the programme of the Centre;
- Those members of the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies who are involved in projects forming part of the programme of the Centre;
- Other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the programme of the Centre;
- Such visiting fellows and associate fellows as the University may from time to time appoint upon the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- There shall be a Programme Director to be appointed annually by the Management Committee.
- The Director shall be responsible to the Management Committee for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
Management Committee
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
- the Director of the Centre (as Chair);
- the Programme Director;
- six members of the Centre, appointed annually by and from the membership of the Centre, but including both convenors of the Philosophy and Literature undergraduate degree (or their nominees), a representative from the Department of French Studies, and a representative from the Department of German Studies;
- up to six others co-opted from the membership of the Centre.
- The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of the funds of the Centre and all other matters relevant to the Centre.
- The Management Committee shall meet as necessary.
- The primary responsibility under the Senate for the Centre shall be that of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Annual reports and other items from the Centre shall be referred to the Board of the Faculty of Arts for information.
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
(The constitution of the Centre is currently under review)
Centre for Rights, Equality and Diversity
Director: Professor M. Carpenter (T1 and T2) and Professor P. Radcliffe
- To conduct high quality research into the exclusionary processes which deny citizens equal treatment and fundamental human rights (in particular racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism)
- To explore the tensions and conflicts within and between ethnic and faith communities and to access the efficacy of various models of governance designed to address them.
- To build a network of researchers and organisations with a view to stimulating comparative research on these core themes.
- To build upon existing links with UK public authorities and the voluntary/community sector to promote effective, substantively grounded research.
- To establish close working relationships with academic staff across the Faculty in order to develop multi-disciplinary research.
- To attract (home and overseas) research students and Visiting Research Fellows to the Centre to enhance its work programme.
- To contribute to the teaching programme of the University.
- To disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible and maintain close links with those in government, public authorities and the voluntary/community sector with a view to raising the policy profile of matters integral to the Centre's agenda.
The membership shall include:- Those amongst the teaching, research and administrative staff of the University who are directly involved in delivering the work programme of the Centre.
- Other academic staff who share research interests with (a) and who wish to be involved in helping to promote the interests of the Centre and/or may wish to undertake collaborative projects with Centre staff.
- Such visiting fellows and associative fellows as the University may from time to time appoint under the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences
- The Director shall be advised by a Management Committee, the role of which is to assist in planning and directing the work agenda/programme of the Centre.
Management Committee
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
- The Director of the Centre.
- Members of staff directly involved in the delivery of the work programme of the Centre.
- A maximum of six further members, nominated by the Director in consultation with the Centre staff and drawn from the Faculty of Social Sciences or, where appropriate, from another Faculty of the University. This upper limit may be waived in the interests of widening University representation.
- The Management Committee shall meet as required, but subject to a minimum of two meetings per academic session.
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
Centre for Scientific Computing
Director: Dr R. A. Roemer, RAR, PhD, Dr, DSc
Aims of the Centre
- To attract and retain high quality researchers, from all areas of computationally driven science and engineering, and to help launch new, multidisciplinary research programmes.
- To facilitate inter-departmental knowledge sharing and creation in computationally driven research.
- To raise the external profile of the University in computationally driven research, and thereby in science and engineering in general.
- To develop and Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme in Scientific Computing.
- To strengthen the University's position when applying for large-scale funding and to ensure that such opportunities are successfully exploited.
- To rationalise administrative issues associated with the running of large-scale computational resources, by pooling resources across research groups from many departments.
- To develop the use of state-of-the-art computational tools as an integral part of graduate level curricula.
- To support the co-location of large-scale computational facilities and support staff around the University.
- Staff will be appointed jointly to the Centre and to a participating department, including, but not exclusively, the Departments of Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering.
- Students following the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme will be members of the Centre (they may also be registered with a department working jointly with the Centre).
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Senate for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.
- The Director shall be responsible for the implementation of the Centre's strategy for achieving its aims and for guiding its intellectual development.
- The Director shall be the Chair of the Management Committee.
- The Director shall prepare annually a self-assessment report for consideration by the Estimates and Grants Committee, which analyses the financial performance of the Centre and its performance against the following criteria, it being noted that the self-assessment may be supplementary to any reports required by an external sponsor:
- The volume of research activity as demonstrated by research grants and contracts;
- The impact on the recruitment of research students in departments connected to the Centre;
- Publications or other appropriate output by staff associated by the Centre;
- Short course activity.
- The Director shall attend a meeting with the Estimates and Grants Committee as part of the annual bidding round at which he/she will be invited to discuss their assessment of the performance of the Centre.
Management Committee
There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre which shall normally meet at least twice a year.-
The membership of the Committee shall consist of:- the Director, ex officio (in the chair).
- a representative of each department which has a joint appointment with the Centre, to be nominated by that department.
- up to two research students elected by the research students following the Centre's Interdisciplinary Research Programme.
Terms of Reference
The Management Committee is responsible for:- advising the Director on the day-to-day administration and activities of the Centre including the development of the research programme;
- funding initiatives to be undertaken by the Centre;
- the appointment of staff to the Centre in accordance with funding and with the procedures approved by the Council;
- reviewing the progress of research projects undertaken by the Centre;
- monitoring the allocation of discretionary funds and issues relating to the financial management of the Centre.
The Management Committee shall have a quorum of five.
- The director shall supervise the funds of the Centre subject to the University's financial regulations.
- The Director shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Centre.
- The Advisory Board shall be informed in the Director's Annual Report about the funds and accounts of the Centre.
- Nothing in this Constitution abrogates the overall responsibilities of the University Finance Officer.
(The constitution of the Centre is currently under review.)
Centre for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Director: Professor D.J. Storey, BSc, PhD, DipAppStats
Establishment of the Centre
The Centre for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises has been established by the Senate and is an integral part of the Warwick Business School, whose small business activities it will co-ordinate.
Aims of the Centre
- To develop and promote the small business activities of the Warwick Business School.
- To initiate and encourage multi-disciplinary research into small business and its management.
- To promote conferences, workshops and seminars in small business matters and to disseminate research findings as widely as possible.
- To collaborate with other appropriate departments and centres in the University, particularly in respect of the teaching of undergraduates and postgraduates in matters relating to entrepreneurship and small business.
The members of the Centre shall consist of its appointed counsellors, academic staff, and visiting and associate fellows involved in small business programmes, and such other persons as may from time to time be approved.
Director of the Centre
There shall be a Director and Deputy Director of the Centre who shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Dean of the Warwick Business School, initially for a period of five years, the appointment being renewable. The Director shall be responsible for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre's affairs.
Centre for Studies in Democratisation
Co-Directors: Dr R. Doorenspleet, BA, MA, PhD and Professor P. Burnell, BA, MA, PhD
The Centre for Studies in Democratisation has been established as a Centre in the Department of Politics and International Studies.
Aims of the Centre
The aims of the Centre are:- To provide a focal point for collaborative interdisciplinary studies in democratisation, defined as a process of change to democratic system, in relation to contemporary Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe East and West;
- To conduct, co-ordinate and publish research into the political, economic, historical, social and legal dimensions of democratisation in cooperation with other departments, centres and institutes of the University;
- To disseminate information about democratisation through a seminar programme, by organising research conferences, meetings and occasional public lectures in the University and at other centres of research and teaching and through contacts with the media;
- To encourage debate and discussion and promote an interchange of views with those directly concerned with democratisation and to undertake research contracts and provide a specialist consultancy service;
- To attract eminent public figures and scholars as visiting and associate fellows of the Centre;
- To participate in the teaching and research programme of the Department.
The members of the Centre shall be:- Those members of the Department of Politics and International Studies who are involved in teaching or research related to the programme of the Centre;
- Such visiting and associate fellows as the University may appoint to the Centre on the recommendation of the Director;
- Other members of the University engaged in the work of the Centre.
The Director of the Centre
The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences for a term of three years, the appointment being renewable.- The Director shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for the planning and implementation of the Centre's work.
- The Director shall submit an Annual Report on the Centre's work to the Executive Committee.
The Deputy Director
A Deputy or Acting Director may be appointed at the discretion of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences for a period to be specified.
Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee with the following membership:
- the Director (Chair);
- the Deputy Director, if appointed, ex officio;
- the Chair of the Department of Politics and International Studies, ex officio;
- seven other members of the academic staff of the University, to be nominated by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, for renewable terms of three years, including at least two from the Department of Politics and International Studies.
- The Executive Committee shall:
- receive regular reports from the Director on the work of the Centre;
- advise on the progress of research, the seminar and publications programme of the Centre, new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of funds and all other matters relevant to the Centre;
- meet as and when necessary, normally at least three times a year.
- There shall be an Executive Committee with the following membership:
Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation
Director: Professor L. Seabrooke
Establishment of the Centre
The Centre for the Study of Globalisations and Regionalisation was been established by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Senate. The Centre now sits within the Department of Politics and International Studies.
- The main objective of the Research Centre is to engage in multi- and inter-disciplinary research and dissemination activity in relation to globalisation and regionalisation.
- In order to achieve the objective set out above, the Research Centre will carry out the following actions:
- to publish significant theoretical and empirical findings in refereed journals, books and reports, together with articles for a more general readership;
- to establish itself as a focus of collaboration within the scientific community, and between scientists and potential users of its scientific programme, both nationally and internationally;
- to seek co-sponsorship for work which complements the Research Centre's research programme and to develop a strategy for the continued funding of the Research Centre, with a view to sustaining the Research Centre.
- to engage with research users and potential users with a view to meeting the needs of users and beneficiaries, through seeking their advice on the research programme, through publications, seminars and conferences, through teaching programmes, and through electronic and other means;
- to develop and implement a dissemination and publicity strategy for Research Centre to bring new findings to the attention of both the academic community, and of non-academic users, and to contribute to debates on public policy;
- to advance methodology and substantive knowledge in the area of study, by such means as research seminars for the wider academic community and training in research methods;
- to engage actively in the training of postgraduate research students in the area of study, in the University's departments and elsewhere, by means of personal supervision, research seminars, taught courses or the provision of data and other resources;
- to collaborate and to develop research links with other cognate research programmes and centres in national and international universities as appropriate;
- to maximise value for money in its activities.
- The main objective of the Research Centre is to engage in multi- and inter-disciplinary research and dissemination activity in relation to globalisation and regionalisation.
The members of the Centre shall consist of its academic, administrative and clerical staff, associate fellows, visiting fellows, and other people approved by the Centre's Advisory Committee.
The Director of the Centre
The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Politics and International Studies, in consultation with the Management Committee. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Committee of the Centre for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.The Director shall prepare annually a self-assessment report, which will be integrated with that for the Department of Politics and International Studies, for consideration by the Academic Resourcing Committee, which analyses the financial performance of the Centre and its performance against the following criteria:
1. Financial health of the Centre against its business plan;
2. The volume of research activity as demonstrated by research grants and contracts;
3. The impact on the recruitment of research students in departments connected to the Centre;
4. Publications or other appropriate output by staff associated with the Centre. -
Staff meetings
There shall be a staff meeting convened at least three times per year. All members of Centre staff will attend, with the Director, ex officio in the chair. The staff meeting will discuss research ideas and proposals development and the director will report to the meeting regarding strategic and practical issues facing the Centre.
Management Committee
There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre which shall normally meet three times per year.- Membership
The membership of the Management Committee shall consist of:
- the Director, ex officio (in the chair);
- the Deputy Director, ex officio;
- the Associate Directors, ex officio;
- the Chairs of the Departments of Economics and Politics and International Studies or their nominees.
- other members co-opted as the Management committee determines.
- Terms of Reference
The Management Committee is responsible for:- advising the Director on:
- The day-to-day administration and activities of the Centre including the development of research programmes;
- Funding initiatives to be undertaken by the Centre;
- reviewing the progress of research undertaken by the Centre.
- monitoring the allocation of discretionary funds and issues relating to the financial management of the Centre.
The Management Committee shall have a quorum of three
- advising the Director on:
- Membership
Advisory Committee
- There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of:
- the Director;
- two members of the Centre, appointed by the Management Committee;
- three senior members of the academic staff of other departments of the University, appointed by the Management Committee;
- up to fifteen appropriately qualified members external to the University appointed by the Senate;
- The Chair shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. The Chair shall normally be drawn from the research user community.
- The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee shall be:
- to advise the University and the Centre on the Centre's strategy in pursuance of its objectives;
- to provide a brief report on the work of the Centre for the purposes of Strategic Departmental Review of the Department of Politics and International Studies.
- The Advisory Committee will normally meet once per year.
- There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of:
- The Director shall supervise the funds of the Centre subject to the University's Financial Regulations.
- The Director shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Centre.
- The Advisory Committee shall be informed in the Director's Annual Self-Assessment Report about the funds and accounts of the Centre.
Centre for the Study of Safety and Well-Being
Director: Dr D. Chung, MA, BSw, MA, PhD
The Centre will be based within the School of Health and Social Sciences.
The aims of the Centre shall be:- To promote and undertake research and scholarship on topics relevant to safety and well-being.
- to foster an active research climate and an enabling context for this work.
- to provide a focus for postgraduate and post-qualifying research, education and training in fields such as child care and child protection, family support, health and welfare practice in relation to family law, and in work with child and adult survivors of abuse and with perpetrators.
- to contribute research-generated and research-minded input to relevant teaching programmes.
- to raise the profile of the Centre and of its members as being at the forefront of research and scholarship in these fields.
- to promote seminars, conferences and other scholarly events on relevant subjects.
- to disseminate to a range of appropriate audiences the findings of research conducted in the Centre and to assist their implementation in policy and practice.
- to gather evidence of the influence and impact of the Centre.
- to establish close working relationships with academic staff in other departments or centres who are working in closely related areas both within and beyond the University.
The members of the Centre shall be academic and research staff from Health and Social Sciences, and from other departments and centres within the University, who are involved in projects forming part of the Centre's programme, research staff of the Centre, and such other persons as may, from time to time, indicate an interest and be approved by the Management Committee or the Advisory Board. This latter category will include managers and practitioners from local social work and other professional settings who have an active involvement in carrying out, disseminating or applying relevant research. Visiting and Associate Fellowships and Professorships shall be sought for suitably qualified persons who wish to be located in, or associated with, the Centre for a specified period of time.
The Director and Deputy Directors
The Director and Deputy Director(s) of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences for a three year period, the appointment to be renewable. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Board of the Centre. Assisted by Deputy Director(s), the role of the Director shall be to give overall direction to the Centre's work, to raise its profile nationally and internationally, to oversee its budget and administration, and to ensure that its constitutional commitments are carried out and the requirements of the University met.
Management Committee
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
- the Director of the Centre, who shall act as Chair.
- one or more Deputy Director(s).
- three members of the academic or research staff of the University involved in, or associated with, the work of the Centre.
- two visiting or associate fellows or visiting professors attached to the Centre.
Other members of the Centre shall have a right of attendance at meetings of the Committee.
- The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise the Director on: the activities and progress of the Centre, including in teaching and research; the creation of new projects and their proposed funding; other funding issues including the allocation of discretionary funds, and all other matters relevant to the Centre. It shall meet at least once a year and prior to each Advisory Board meeting.
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
Advisory Board
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre consisting of:
- a Chair who is not a member of the University.
- the Director and Deputy Director(s) of the Centre.
- the Chair of the School of Health and Social Sciences.
- up to three academic members of the Management Committee who belong to the academic or research staff of the University, elected by and from the membership of the Centre.
- up to three other members of the academic and research staff of the University, appointed by Senate, for renewable terms, normally for three years.
- up to ten appropriately qualified members, external to the University, appointed by Senate for renewable terms, normally of three years.
- Up to two representatives of graduate or diplomate learners in the University, whose studies fall within the topic area of the Centre.
- The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be:
- to maintain a broad oversight of the work of the Centre.
- to advise the Senate through the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on matters of strategic planning and development by means of the Director's Annual Report on the work of the Centre and the report of the external members to the periodic review.
- to advise and assist in the securing of funding necessary to support the activities of the Centre.
- An up-to-date membership list of the Advisory Board shall be maintained for publication in the University Calendar.
- The Advisory Board shall meet at least once in every four-year period for which the Centre is established, and ideally once a year.
- Two of the external members of the Advisory Board shall be nominated by the Board to make a brief report for the purposes of periodic review of the Centre by the University Senate.
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre consisting of:
Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
Director: Dr I. de Smet
Aims of the Centre
- To promote learning and research in the history and culture of the Renaissance.
- To offer postgraduate degrees at the MA, MPhil and PhD level in areas of interdisciplinary study related to the Renaissance. To offer an associated Diploma or Diplomas.
- To establish working relationships with all those in the University engaged in the study of the Renaissance, and where appropriate to provide opportunities for the publication of their research.
- To organise seminars and conferences and in this and other ways stimulate research on the Renaissance, both within the University and in partnership with academic institutions in Britain and abroad.
- To establish a Visiting Fellows programme.
The membership of the Centre shall comprise:- The Director, the Course Directors for the Centre's postgraduate degrees and all members of the academic staff teaching for the degree programme or supervising research;
- Members of the academic staff of the University conducting research related to the Renaissance who wish to take part in the Centre's activities;
- The Honorary Professor or Professors of the Centre;
- Students registered for postgraduate courses and research degrees in the Centre.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Arts, initially for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.
- The Director shall be responsible to the Board of the Faculty of Arts and the Senate, through the Centre's Committee, for the long term planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
The Committee of the Centre
- The membership of the Committee of the Centre shall comprise:
- the Director of the Centre, ex officio (Chair);
- the Course Directors;
- members of the academic staff of the University involved in the work of the Centre;
- the Director of the Humanities Research Centre, or his/her nominee;
- one student representative from each of the Centre's postgraduate courses and one research student, elected by students registered for these courses.
- The Committee of the Centre shall meet at least once a term and shall hold an Annual General Meeting.
- The membership of the Committee of the Centre shall comprise:
Advisory Board
- The Advisory Board of the Centre shall advise on all matters relevant to the development of the Centre's work, including academic programmes, conferences and publications, and on the obtaining of external funding and sponsorship. The Advisory Board shall receive annually from the Director a report on the Centre's work.
- The Advisory Board shall comprise:
- the Chair;
- the Director of the Centre, ex officio;
- the Course Directors, ex officio;
- three members of the academic staff of the Committee of the Centre elected by the Committee;
- three student representatives elected to the Committee of the Centre;
- up to five other persons qualified by academic or professional achievement to advance the work of the Centre and not normally in the employment of the University.
- The external members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Centre Committee and the Board of the Faculty of Arts and shall serve for up to five years, the appointments being renewable.
- The Advisory Board shall normally meet once a year.