3.3 Emeritus Readers
N.W. Alcock, BA, PhD Camb, FSA (Department of Chemistry)
L.R.P. Allison MA, PhD Camb (Department of Politics and International Studies)
C. Battersby, BA York, DPhil Sus (Department of Philosophy)
H. Boothroyd, BSc Lond, ARCS (Warwick Business School)
H. J. Cohn, MA, DPhil Oxf, FRHistS (Department of History)
G. Cousin, BA, PhD Exe (School of Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies
W. Dusinberre, BA Swarthmore, MA, PhD Col (Department of History)
E. Gray, BA Open, MSc Lough, PhD Warw, TCert (Institute of Education)
D. Griffiths, BSc Wales, MA Oxf, PhD ANU (Department of Chemistry)
H.G. Hall, MA Oxf, PhD Yale (Department of French Studies)
T.O. Hawkes MA, PhD Camb (Department of Mathematics)
H. Hearnshaw, BSc St And & Leic, MA DeMont, PhD Lough (Warwick Medical School)
D.M. Hirst, MA, BSc, DPhil Oxf (Department of Chemistry)
D. Mervin, BA Exe, PhD C'nell (Department of Politics and International Studies)
D.W. Miller, BA, MA Camb, MSc LSE (Department of Philosophy)
J. Read (School of Health and Social Sciences)
J. Rignall MA Camb, DPhil Sus (Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies)
J. Round, BSc Nott, PhD Wales (Department of Economics
B.J. Sanderson, BSc, PhD Liv (Department of Mathematics)
H.V. Shurmer, MSc Wales, PhD, DSc Lond, FIEE, CEng (School of Engineering)
I. Smith, MA Edin & Wisc, DPhil Oxf, FRHistS (Department of History)
S.E. Stonehewer, MA Oxf, PhD Camb (Department of Mathematics)
C. Van Toller, BSc Lond, PhD Durh, FBPsS (Department of Psychology)
G.R. Willey BSc, PhD Brist, FRSChem (Department of Chemistry)