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Ord. 14 Honorary Degrees

Ordinance on Honorary Degrees

(1) In accordance with its powers under Statute 16(12) the Senate may grant honorary degrees and joint honorary degrees with identified/specified partner or affiliate institutions. The Senate delegates the authority to consider and approve nominations for honorary degrees and joint honorary degrees to the Honorary Degrees Committee, which is a joint Committee of the Senate and the Council.

(2) The University may confer the following honorary degrees:

Doctor of Laws (LLD)

Doctor of Letters (DLitt)

Doctor of Science (DSc)

Master of Arts (MA)

Master of Science (MSc)

The honorary degrees of Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Letters and Doctor of Science shall be conferred upon persons of high intellectual or cultural distinction.

The honorary degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science shall be conferred upon persons who have served the University or the community and for whom the award of such a degree would be a proper form of recognition by the University.

*(3) Degrees included n the above list may be awarded dually or jointly with other institutions, subject to the approval of the Honorary Degrees Committee on behalf of the Senate of the arrangements for such dual or joint awards. A list of degrees awarded dually or jointly with other institutions shall be maintained by the Honorary Degrees Committee.

*(3) (4) The procedure for the selection of honorary graduands and the revocation of honorary degrees shall be prescribed in Regulations.

*(4) (5) An honorary degree shall not be conferred upon any person whose name has not been approved for that purpose by the majority of the Honorary Degrees Committee on behalf of the Senate.

*(5) (6) Recipients of honorary degrees shall normally be presented for admission by the Public Orator at a Congregation, as assigned by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the Senate.

*(6) (7) In accordance with its powers under Statute 16(22) the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the Senate may revoke honorary degrees. Recommendations for the revocation of honorary degrees shall be made to the Vice-Chancellor by the Honorary Degrees Committee.

* Subject to approval by the Council for the second time at its meeting to be held on 13 February 2014