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Reg. 43 Governing Undergraduate Degree Apprenticeships

***Regulation 43 came into effect on 1 October 2018, following approval at the meeting of the University Council on 11 July 2018. Amendments to Regulation 43 were last approved by Senate on 17 April 2024 and apply from the start of the 24/25 academic year***

Regulations Governing First Degrees offered as a Degree Apprenticeship


1. This regulation replaces Regulation 8 (Regulation for First Degrees) for candidates on Undergraduate Degree Apprenticeships.

2. This regulation relates to the award of the Undergraduate degree by the University of Warwick and is not concerned with the award of the Apprenticeship. The award of the Apprenticeship is made on the recommendation of the End Point Assessor in accordance with the degree apprenticeship standard and assessment plan.

Regulations for First Degrees offered as a Degree Apprenticeship

(1) All candidates will be admitted to an Honours course. The degree may, however, be conferred either as a degree with Honours or as a Pass degree.

(2) (a) Candidates for the degree must have followed an approved degree apprenticeship programme at the University, extending normally over not fewer than three academic years.

(b) On the recommendation of the appropriate Faculty Education Committee and subject to apprenticeship funding rules, the Senate may permit a suitably qualified candidate to be a full-time candidate for Honours in a subsequent first degree course, which may be completed in less than the normal duration for the course.

(3) (a) Boards of Examiners will at least annually consider the progress of candidates on the basis of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates’ work on the programme to date and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to continue on current level of study / proceed to the next year or level of study; or

(ii) be permitted to take further tests at a time indicated by the Board of Examiners; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study.

(iv) (if an appropriate standard in any required laboratory tests has not been achieved) candidates may be required to withdraw from their course.

Candidates in category (iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests at the next opportunity indicated by the Board of Examiners.

(b) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the further tests resulting from (3)(a)(ii) or (3)(a)(iii) above, together with candidates’ work to date and in previous tests, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed on the Honours course; or

ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study.

(c) Exceptionally, subject to employer support and apprenticeship funding rules, a Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the tests as outlined in 3(a) and (b) above, to take further tests in a final attempt at a later point identified by the Board of Examiners; when considering the results of these further examinations the Board of Examiners may take either of the decisions open to it under paragraph (3)(b) above.

(4) (a) Where the examination of modules contributing to the final degree classification takes place before the final year of the degree programme, Boards of Examiners will consider at a point during that year, the results of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates’ work to date, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed on the Honours degree programme; or

(ii) be permitted to take further tests in a final attempt at a time identified by the Board of Examiners; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study.

(iv) be required to withdraw if an appropriate standard in any required laboratory tests has not been achieved.

(b) Candidates under 4(a)(iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests as directed by the Board of Examiners, as under paragraph 4(a)(ii) above.

(c) When considering a candidate resitting examinations as a result of the requirements of paragraph 4(a)(ii) above, but not on the final year of the degree programme, Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the tests held in accordance with that paragraph together with the candidate’s work during the year and in previous tests, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed as under paragraph 4(a)(i) above, noting that where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a pass degree; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study.

(iii) be required to withdraw if an appropriate standard in any required laboratory tests has not been achieved.

(5) (a)The final examination or such part of it not previously taken will be held in the final year of the degree course. The examination will consist of such tests as may be approved by the Senate.

(b) In the case of an integrated degree apprenticeship, the examination and assessments will also include those undertaken for the End Point Assessment, in accordance with the Degree Apprenticeship Standard and End-Point Assessment Plan approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships.

(c) In the case of a non-integrated degree apprenticeship, the assessments and examinations considered toward the award of the degree exclude the End Point Assessment which is taken as a standalone assessment following the consideration of the candidate at their final examination board.

(d)The Senate shall award the degree in accordance with decisions made by Boards of Examiners. The Senate may refer any decision of a Board of Examiners back to that Board for further consideration.

(6) In determining the category and class of degree to be awarded, Boards of Examiners may take into account the quality of candidates’ work throughout the degree course.

(a) The degree with Honours will be awarded in three classes, the second class being in two divisions.

(b) A Pass degree is unclassified.

(7) (a) To be eligible for an Honours classification candidates must have followed the final year of an Honours degree programme, and, except as provided in paragraphs (3)(c) and (4)(a)(ii) above or by special permission of the Senate, must have completed the requirements for the degree in the number of years approved for the degree programme.

(b) Candidates who have resat examinations contributing to the final degree classification under paragraphs (4)(a)(ii) above, may be considered for the award of an Honours degree or a Pass Degree. Where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a Pass degree.

(c) Candidates who are not awarded a degree at the conclusion of the final year may, subject to Apprenticeship funding rules and employer support, take further tests as directed by the Board of Examiners in a final attempt at a later point identified by the department, to qualify for a Pass degree, except that candidates shall not be permitted to resit examinations which have already been resat.

(8) Boards of Examiners may recommend the award of Aegrotat passes or degrees under the conditions laid down in the Regulations Governing the Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Absence for Medical Reasons from a University Examination.

(9) Permission for students to transfer from one degree course to another may be given only by the Academic Registrar on the recommendation of the Head(s) of Department(s) of the course on which the student is enrolled and to which the student is transferring.